I've recently had the king and link pins replaced. (A guided adjustable reamer was used for the king pins)
The problem I have is adjusting them to take up any play. The manuals tell you to tighten up the the link pin really tight then loosen it slightly, but if I loosen it slightly I can feel play and if you look really carefully you can see a very slight movement in the king/link pin area.
I'm assuming having any play is a bad thing because over time this will turn into lots of play. So it the moment the link pins are adjusted up to the point where there is no play, which is quite tight.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
I would like to add that I was happy with the quality of the king pin set but the link pin set was a bit "mexican" quality, but when I installed it I could seen no reason why it shouldn't work.
I am at my wits end with this, please help!