14 years ago
thought you were keeping it:roll:
14 years ago
I was, but something just too good came up :d

Anyway, You already got my absolute fav col choice. a Bordeaux sunroof! even better than our dirty brown one!
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
54 Gertie
14 years ago

even better than our dirty brown one!

mrsherbie wrote:

:shock: 😳

14 years ago
wow that looks nice:!:
14 years ago

I am 100% certain a buyer will repaint it though so I dont know why I am worrying really.

mrsherbie wrote:

If that's the case then, forgive me for being inquisitive but doesn't that mean that it's quite a daunting price you're asking for?
Are you bringing it to Peppercorn? :wink:
14 years ago
No not bringing anything to Peppercorn, I am only going Sun for a couple of hours.

Actually trying to figure a price this week I searched the net everywhere for another 'driving/road legal' 1950 (not later 51 or 52) split under 20k euros and found NONE so I have pitched it very sensibly as the lowest priced '50 available. I will accept £15k, but not less and if I sell it or dont I am equally not bothered.
Yes its a funny old car certainly in a bit of a niche with its mix of deluxe/standard, but unlike most shiny splits I know on the road, mine ( albeit a bit dented) still has its og valances, quarters, pans and channels etc and is not full of filler nor made from repro or new parts or wearing repro or 60's wings ( like most splits & ovals nowadays)
Its certainly not priced stupidly in the 20-80 zone with the cal/resto cars.

To be honest I am getting tired of hearing people whine about why or how they cant find a really solid split or rustfree oval under 10k, knowingly denying the reason staring them in the face that most vw people want one at some point, yet there are few unwelded cars around now, and we are paying more than most people on here would for our new one so I am not sympathetic I'm afraid.

So No, its not a daunting price at all for a solid largely unwelded 50 but dont worry you wont offend me because I love my car :lol:

"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
Standard split
14 years ago

If that's the case then, forgive me for being inquisitive but doesn't that mean that it's quite a daunting price you're asking for?

48REME wrote:

I think that the price while not a bargain, is not excessive. It is in line with current value trends for split windows Beetles being advertised around the world :d

The split window Beetle is the huge Volkswagen company's roots and so is an immense landmark in private car history and deserves its high status. If anything these cars have been undervalued in recent years.

I do however think that the price of this particular car would actually be attractive if the military theme was based on a Standard model. Those piped cloth deluxe seats would never have lasted 5 minutes with military use and abuse!

I'm afraid that a Deluxe is the wrong model for the military conversion and it also has the bloody troublesome hydraulic brakes :evil:

I think that the car needs painting in one all-over green :wink:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago

And its not exactly stock is it....:wink:

54 Gertie wrote:

hmmm,some people spend too much time on the darkside.....:wink:
Car less.....
lou cypher
14 years ago

Lou(Philip) your location....is it a 35 or a 42?

'50 Karmann wrote:

ah ah ah ah........

getting warmer, you've been extracting information from somebody :twisted:

14 years ago
How many people have rebuilt a 4cam in Belgium this year,not many i bet.:wink:
14 years ago

I'm afraid that a Deluxe is the wrong model for the military conversion and it also has the bloody troublesome hydraulic brakes :evil:

I think that the car needs painting in one all-over green :wink:

Standard split wrote:

You are certainly right and I agree totally. (Except I actually like my brakes because they work! :lol: )
But I bought this car for someone else, I never had any intention to be involved with it, but things changed and then I didnt want to embark on making it shiny deluxe again with all the deluxe parts missing ( I didnt want to use all repro) I knew it would take years! ( well more years than the 5? it did anyway :lol: ) Albeit wrong for the 'look' the og interior is correct to the deluxe and when I was facing the choice of sparkly new reupholstered seats to look more in keeping or the og deluxe there was no choice, og wins hands down. The old split seat cover matched like fate too. And all this old cloth makes the car smell er.. nice :lol:
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
14 years ago
one wonman to another i love your car shame your are selling this, look's like you have had it for some time with love, i hope it will be driven and not stood up in a garage (seem's some never learnt if you can't say anythin nice don't say anythin at all)
i'm sure you will have no problem's selling it i would love this but the other half stopped me after i got my 55 oval and a 57 panel van men just don't understand:lol:
if you want i'm happy to swap my husband and a lazy 14 year old for your car
your hippy gimp hat it's sooooo coool
i know a few people that would love one of them but in black with a zip added in the mouth
could you make a knitted style of the seditionaries range by vivienne westwood from 1976 when she had sex down kings road showing my age there:d
14 years ago
the early beetle (45 i think? maybe wrong) parked around the back with the kubels and schwimmers at hessisch had pea pattern camo seat covers and it that looked like original camo material, looked cool
Standard split
14 years ago

the early beetle (45 i think? maybe wrong) parked around the back with the kubels and schwimmers at hessisch had pea pattern camo seat covers and it that looked like original camo material, looked cool

356boy wrote:

I've a set of those somewhere. If Anna's car was just plain green (NOT SHINY) and it was mine I'd put them in 😎

This car would make a great useable split :beer:

You are certainly right and I agree totally. (Except I actually like my brakes because they work! :lol: )

mrsherbie wrote:

NO, NO , NO:!:

This nonsense about cable brakes is just that. Most my cars have cables and the cable brakes on my '50 Standard are really fierce – better than my 1972 1300!

Old cars with hydraulic brakes that are seldom used are a real pain as I'm finding out with the few I have. And come on Anna, you said yourself that you have driven your split mainly on private grassland so why the brakes worry. Okay to worry if you was up and down the M1 regularly, but best buy a boring modern VW for that.

Cable brakes are fine with good condition cables, shoes and drums and proper adjustment.

Old hydraulics – YUK :twisted:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago

the early beetle (45 i think? maybe wrong) parked around the back with the kubels and schwimmers at hessisch had pea pattern camo seat covers and it that looked like original camo material, looked cool

356boy wrote:

Oct 45
14 years ago
thats the baby, super cool interior8)
14 years ago

NO, NO , NO:!:

This nonsense about cable brakes is just that. Most my cars have cables and the cable brakes on my '50 Standard are really fierce – better than my 1972 1300!

Old cars with hydraulic brakes that are seldom used are a real pain as I'm finding out with the few I have. And come on Anna, you said yourself that you have driven your split mainly on private grassland so why the brakes worry. Okay to worry if you was up and down the M1 regularly, but best buy a boring modern VW for that.

Cable brakes are fine with good condition cables, shoes and drums and proper adjustment.

Old hydraulics – YUK :twisted:

Standard split wrote:

I agree.
The cable brakes on my 1960 Standard are certainly better than the hydraulic brakes on my 1957 Oval. They were inferior when I first got the Standard butI discovered they were very much out of adjustment and balance. Once I'd adjusted them as per the manual then they were fine (and still are).
Standard split
14 years ago

I agree.
The cable brakes on my 1960 Standard are certainly better than the hydraulic brakes on my 1957 Oval. They were inferior when I first got the Standard butI discovered they were very much out of adjustment and balance. Once I'd adjusted them as per the manual then they were fine (and still are).

RoRoVw wrote:

A 1960 Standard – yummy, sounds nice :beer:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
14 years ago
OOh I LOVE those seat covers! but my bum hurts just thinking about driving anywhere on them :shock: :lol:

Funnily enough I have some Swedish army camo tents in the large M90 splinter that I was going to make seat covers from, but I thought it might look a bit ......busy ? in my car :lol:

Yes, thats true I would say that the one thing that is the only constant maintenance for us is sorting stuck or leaking brakes from lack of use, and its a lot like the 6v (v 12v) debate, if the original system is in optimal working condition then there is nothing wrong with it at all. So I can see the advantages of cable brakes for cars that see little use.
Owen put together all my brakes from nos parts so they work really well but even then I had one that started to leak. Likewise the 356 has one stained wheel from a leaky, and O's 50 sunroof the same!

In fact I was thinking about it and the only parts repro on my car are a pair of flat steel door straps and the black semaphore switch and starter button from Kaefer Nostalgie, and the heater channel bottom plates from Wolfparts, some small bits of metal cut from 1 gen grey later H channel & couple of inches from the bottom of a gen front bulkhead only for the very bottom corner repairs but aside from that all the parts are old. I would challenge this against any restored or even most original splits out there bar only a couple that are really original :d So although my car has funny paint 99% of its parts are old and thats preferable to me over any fully restored retrimmed car but thats just me and I realise my car is not for everyone :d

"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
14 years ago

if you want i'm happy to swap my husband and a lazy 14 year old for your car
your hippy gimp hat it's sooooo coool
i know a few people that would love one of them but in black with a zip added in the mouth
could you make a knitted style of the seditionaries range by vivienne westwood from 1976 when she had sex down kings road showing my age there:d

dubrockers wrote:

I have Owen and a lazy 12yr old :lol:

I do knit but I didnt really that hat unfortunately, I wish I had though! I have been knitting recently in chocolate brown & beige undyed alpaca from a local alpaca farm( I have ambitions to own my own as pets sometime in future) and the colours match our cars perfectly! :lol:

In 75 I was only 7! But I did regularly wear a very short tartan mini skirt with big black punky boots and lots of straps from Shelleys Neal St. in the early 80s that she was certainly the inspiration for :d

"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann