15 years ago

I saw your split at HO also, very nice. I also have a Bordeaux Red '50 sunroof, although my roof is black.


AND... I just bought a ski rack for it, and found a pair of old wooden skis that I gave a quick restore to. My car will be in a show at a ski resort in Vermont in 2 weeks (I sure hope I get my ski rack in time!!!).

Do you have bigger pictures of your ski rack????

johnshenry wrote:

what spotlamps are they
15 years ago
They are Bosch "nipple" fogs...
15 years ago

Think that you missed the point there, look closer, that's not a Ski rack, it's a MG42 rack :shock:

Looks like a double rack to me, I have a Flammenwerfer 41 that you can borrow to put in the other side :twisted:

lou cypher wrote:

Uh yeah, I guess I did miss the point.......!!
15 years ago
Genuine? That's a few grands worth sat there  wafenss_helmet.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago

Genuine? That's a few grands worth sat there

'50 Karmann wrote:

Saw - of all the wierd things - an SS fez in a museum in France!
Wonder if there´s a sombrero too?
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
lou cypher
15 years ago

Saw - of all the wierd things - an SS fez in a museum in France!
Wonder if there´s a sombrero too?

JD wrote:

The Fez was worn by muslim volunteers of croatia, Bosnian and Herzegovina. The Fez was in different colours - green, red, with or without the tail.

SS-mountain division "Handschar", consisted of Balkan folksdojcers and Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They wore the edelweiss on the left of the Fez, as the regular mountain divisions.

There was also British volunteers in the 11.SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Nordland. :shock:

Also six Flemish volunteer divisions

15 years ago

There was also British volunteers in the 11.SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Nordland. :shock:

lou cypher wrote:

They're called traitors not volunteers.
People on a promise, to further their own means.

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