Infact why is it pre67 anyway. August '64 – '67 cars all have the later big windows body which ran until the end in 2003. A much bigger change came in 1964 when the last small side window cars were produced.
Standard split wrote:
The reason is simple... because it's my site and I own a '65. You are more than welcome to go build your own site and cater for whatever years you want to... :wink:
I've never heard of 'Vintage' referring to pre-war, only the standard dates between 1919 and 1930. Veteran cars is pre-1919, and then there is pre-war and post-war. Classic is defined by different dates depending on what country your in, some are over 15 years - some are over 25.
Pre-war in terms of VW is pretty restricted, it would include Kdf's, Schwimmers & Kübels. Anything built after the war is post war, regardless of whether or not it looks similar to a pre-war car.
The Beetle is a little bit odd compared to most other cars, most other cars had definate body style changes in a particular year, the Beetle was more of a rolling development - split merged into zwitter that merged into oval that merged into big window that merged into upright headlight with many inbetween years having parts from the previous and later years. You can pick your own criteria as to which is the true 'design', but no one else will care.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW