Christ on a wobbly tricycle. Okay, I'll rise to this utter bilge just one more time. I'm setting four minutes aside.
I don't go to VW shows anymore (I've never understood why people think that everyone with an interest in VWs must go to VW shows by default, after 25 years worth of the things they've become dull as hell to me), so the prospect is unlikely. But if you came up to me and started moaning about 'poor old ********* the big bullies drove him away and wasn't that Ovaltine guy funny he should be let back' like you both have done on here, then yes I imagine that probably would tell you what I thought of you.
Perhaps you should look through your own post histories to see where it started going a bit pear-shaped. It was quite early on, I seem to remember. It all works both ways, see. But I don't think for one moment you'd be rational enough do that.
Offensive idiot? Ooh, flattery. I don't think anyone else (apart from one person, and I'm sure you can guess who) has had a problem with anything I've written in the last 5 years, probably because nobody else has acted in such a fashion that I felt the need to write anything 'offensive', but you're welcome to your opinion. Anyway, if you're quite finished tying yourself into hissy knots, the four minutes is up.
Perhaps you should steer clear of internet forums. You don't appear to be cut out for them. If you think I'm an 'offensive idiot', then God help you if you decide to start on a proper 'troll'.
(Rob, sorry mate - I *promise* I'll leave it now).
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12 years ago
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