18 years ago
What do you know about these?
My '63 NZ Australian beetle's original is the larger ceramic one cracked right through. Still works amazingly, but I found a nos ceramic one and decided to replace it.
But the nos one was a bit smaller :shock:
So there are at least 2 sizes of ceramic?!

So I got a nos metal one! 😃
It fits but does'nt seem to work perfectly with the marks exactly lined up like the old ceramic one did, so I am guessing I just need to play with the position until it's happier!
The change in materials must be significant.

So its obvious why VW changed to the metal one, as I found another used ceramic one also cracked right across in the same place.

But now for the anorak part...

Anyone know the year changes on these events?

And all 3 of these are 6v!

"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
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18 years ago
Are you sitting comfortably?
Then I'll begin...

Once upon a time there lived a little carburettor, known to his friends as Solex 28 Pci. His son, 28 Pict, was a bit of a strange kid. He looked a lot like his dad but had a strange lump. This was diagnosed by Dr. Ferdinand as a beneficial condition known as "Auomatic Choke".

On 7th November 1963 the doctor added a metal cap to his lump along with 6 steps on his idling cam (he could climb 9 steps when he was growing, up but age was taking its toll).

Then on March 4th 1964 his lump got bigger! "Even better!" said Dr. Ferdie. "Nothing to worry about there and you should be able to get going on those cold mornings a bit easier now, in your old age!

But, if you find you can't keep up with the modern world, come back and I'll refer you for 12 volt electric shock treatment! :shock:

The End

18 years ago
That sooo much better than any Haynes manual explanation! 😃 😃
I've been wondering about these for ages!
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann