15 years ago
Great news, my friend, welcome back!

See you at HO!
'58 143
'71 Westy

Kai's Collection.com  - Check my blog!
Bengt H
15 years ago
Good to see your back again.
I have used you vert side window scraper, they work very good, highly recomended:d

Regards Bengt
15 years ago
I'm glad to hear good news about your health!

Hope to see you at HO!!

best regards Roland
15 years ago
More good news !:d

Yesterday I went to the hospital for a check up !
Everything is OK and I recovered very well from the operation !
Now we have to take the next step ! Chemo therapy:(
After I explained how importend the weekend from 28 june was for me, the doctors decided to start the treatment on july 1 ! So Now I'm 100% sure That I'll be able to visit The hessisch Oldendorf show !!:d :d :d
The chemo therapy will take 2 months if everything is going like it should be !
After that the recovering can start again ! And I hope to tell you in a year that we where winning the fight !
Thanks again for the great support and I hope to see you all in Hessisch !
Rob I hope you have T shirts in my size , Long time ago it was XL:shock: , now it is only M:oops:



15 years ago
super good news, Guido.
Thanks for the update, I am looking forward to the HO meeting to speak to you in person.
Now I go of to my project again...

Greetings. peter
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
15 years ago
Great news Guido! See you in H.O. :d :beer:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
15 years ago
Very good news Guido. I'm sure an enjoyable HO will help heal you faster.

Will send a separate mail re the steering lock. :wink:

15 years ago
That's indeed good news!

See you at H.O. I think I will be there only on Saturday.
15 years ago
Great you are " ON THE ROAD AGAIN !! " All the Best !

  • tman
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago
Great news that you're getting better and going to H.O. - hope to see you there! :beer:
195x Deluxe oval Beetle
Binz Doublecab
15 years ago
tman you're going and not taking the lad - that's naughty:wink:

54 Gertie
15 years ago

tman you're going and not taking the lad - that's naughty:wink:


'50 Karmann wrote:

It's been "sprung" upon me that we are now going! 😎
15 years ago
Bet you were made up.
He's not a bad old fella after all then:wink:
54 Gertie
15 years ago

Bet you were made up.
He's not a bad old fella after all then:wink:

'50 Karmann wrote:

Nah, not gonna be any good is it? :roll: :lol:

And yes, I take back all I say about him! :wink:
14 years ago
To whom it may concern!

Guido went back to hospital again to start with chemo-therapy!!!
Up till now he can bare that chemo and he hopes it stay's like that for the rest of the week!
The doctors assured him he would NOT loose his hair due thru the treatment with chemo!
Pussycat ET say's that's nice but mean ET say's pitty! This because I always wanted to see Guido how he will look in thirty years from now:
I mean bold!!!:twisted:

Guido also commands me to say that he enjoyed very much last weekend in H.O. to see all those cars and all the people he knowes. Those were one of the things that give him the strenght and courage to fight even more harder against his sickness!

OK Guido keep up the good faith so we can all welcome you back over here on the scene!!


:twisted: ET

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Actually ET hopes too that Guido gets well soon otherwise my heb never gets finished!!!:shock: :shock: :shock: Mean and cruel not?
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
14 years ago

Pussycat ET say's that's nice but mean ET say's pitty! This because I always wanted to see Guido how he will look in thirty years from now:

heb623 wrote:

ET you always make me laugh:lol: :lol: :lol:


p.s ET, i found paper and have been for kaka:wink:
14 years ago
[quote='50 Karmann p.s ET, i found paper and have been for kaka:wink:

You mean to say that all the kaka was living all that time in your body?

:shock: :shock: :shock: Than I am sure you put a cork in your a..hole ...

... and I am also sure ...
... you did not need a cork screw...
... to remove it!!!

Not? :lol: :lol: :lol:

:twisted: ET

Btw George: When I came home and unpack the things a roll of toilet paper was found in a secret lugage compartiment of my ......................................... wheel chair ....... I think it would have been very convenient for you if I had found it than and sold it to you for big money so you could go and have a nice kaka!
Pitty but shit happens isn't it?
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
14 years ago
:shock: ENOUGH
14 years ago

:shock: ENOUGH

'50 Karmann wrote:

Yes I know the truth hurts and in your case there were tke k..a finds his way out!!!:lol:

:twisted: ET

I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
VW Stan
14 years ago

[quote='50 Karmann p.s ET, i found paper and have been for kaka:wink:

heb623 wrote:

Pitty but shit happens isn't it?

:shock: :d :shock: :d :oops:

It's hard to say what my girlfriend does for a living...

...She sells sea shells on the sea shore!
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