Vintage Volkswagen Articles

VolksAuto Issue 3

14 July 2021
Issue 3 of VolksAuto is available to buy now!

The third issue of VolksAuto magazine is available now and contains a selection of cool vintage VW’s - from a survivor Oval from 1956, the only known remaining Dannenhauer & Stauss Coupe and a beautifully restored Barndoor bus from the first year of production. Also inside is some history of the D&S and also part two of Paul Campbell’s trip to Grossglockner. 

1956 Oval – sometimes you just need to be in the right place at the right time
1954 Dannenhauer & Stauss Coupe, the only known remaining coupe
Grossglockner – Part 2 of the split heading back to the mountains
1950 Kleinbus – Forest find barn door restored to better than new

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