Good Evening All, Please allow me to introduce myself, My name is Austin Powers(ebay name)my real name is Dean.
Let me make this clear.
I have been knocked when I bought this car
I did not put this car up for sale in late july
I have made a genuine mistake with EBay in decribubg this car
I have learnt alot from the ebay questions I have had
I have learnt that too many people on this site have too much time on there hands
I will be taking this car off ebay due to current circumstances with the authenticity of the car.
I will be selling the car on Ebay tommorow as SPARES ONLY with no paperwork.
I STILL DO NOT KNOW WHAT THIS CAR IS apart from knowing its a hybrid beetle of some sort.
I just bought it like this.
I am only human and I can make a mistake.
If you have anything to say to me please dont hide behind a forum....
[email protected] look forward to grownup conversation.