....and regarding Q plates, under current rules for cars like Beetles that have a separate chassis and body. If the chassis is original, unmodified and the chassis number has not been "disturbed" - it gets an age-related reg to the age of the chassis (subject to suitable documentary evidence being provided). It doesn't matter if the body is from a different vehicle! So if this "1952" Beetle body is on an UNMODIFIED 1973 chassis, it will get a 1973 plate, it only needs MOT (not SVA) and it will not be entitled to "historic" free tax disc. However, if the chassis has been chopped or modified (example - home-made VW trikes) it gets a Q after being submitted to VOSA for an SVA test. If the chassis number has been removed, DVLA will issue a chassis number (or VIN = Vehicle Identification Number) and again it gets a Q plate. If you see a 17 digit VIN starting SABTVR0... that's a DVLA VIN. The exception to the modified chassis rule is a concession to kit car manufacturers - if the chassis has been shortened to build a commercially available kit (eg, Chessil / Tigan Speedsters, GP buggy, etc), SVA will be required but the car will be re-registered with an age-related (to donor car) reg., assuming the donor car's documentation is available. The date of manufacture will become the date of the SVA certificate so it can't have the free "historic" tax. It has to be PLG and paid for. For age-related or Q plates, there is also a First Registration Fee payable, currently £55. I hope this helps someone!