15 years ago
Hi there, does anyone know if you can buy 6 volt quartz halogen bulbs (or similar) for the headlights of my 59 beetle? Also, has anyone thought to bring out 6 volt LED bulbs for the rest of the car (brakes, parking, semaphores etc). Contact details for any of the above would be appreciated.

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  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
15 years ago
Yes and yes.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
VW Stan
15 years ago
You can buy 6v halogen headlight bulbs from a lot of parts suppliers.

for example: 

You can also buy 6v led bulbs from a lot of places such as ebay... 

They are directional though, so need to be pointing directly at the lens so if you have heart lights, you'll have to rig something up!


It's hard to say what my girlfriend does for a living...

...She sells sea shells on the sea shore!
15 years ago

You can buy 6v halogen headlight bulbs from a lot of parts suppliers.

for example: 

VW Stan wrote:

Convinced you're on some sort of commission Malc:wink: on enquiries you always post links to Barclay.
VW Stan
15 years ago

Convinced you're on some sort of commission Malc:wink: on enquiries you always post links to Barclay.

'50 Karmann wrote:

I should be!

It's just easier to point people to his website as most things seem to be pictured there.

Most things are available at all the other usual suppliers though!


It's hard to say what my girlfriend does for a living...

...She sells sea shells on the sea shore!
15 years ago

Convinced you're on some sort of commission Malc:wink: on enquiries you always post links to Barclay.

'50 Karmann wrote:

Malc is more clever than you George!!!:lol:

That evil pussycat!!

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
15 years ago
thanks to all the replys chaps!

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