I think that in reality we are probably already a club, although an internet based one. I look on pre 67 as a friendly and helpful pool of VW knowledge and a place to exchange views and bring interesting facts to each other's attention. That's what a club is all about. We are already doing all that we would if we met weekly or monthly in a pub - we even get to look over each other's cars, albeit in photographic form.
The only difference is that we don't all get together at shows, but neither do the members of many clubs. If we began to organise displays at shows it starts to involve the purchase of flags and banners to mark the plot, gazebos to hide in from the rain etc etc and someone then needs to be responsible for all those.
Personally I'm very happy with things as they are.
The tee shirts are a good idea to be able to recognise each other at shows and to promote the forum. I would also like a sticker for the car window. The SSVC has a similar thing for their forum - a forum window sticker with their user name included. That would make spotting other forum members easier as well.
If we wanted an exclusive meeting then a once a year gathering would probably be good, something along the lines of meeting on a non show Sunday somewhere fairly central in the country and then having a scenic drive to a pub for lunch, a natter and a browse around the cars, a photo shoot and then off home again.
Those that want to display their cars at shows can always join the Historic VW Club where there is already an established schedule of displays and the equipment to do the job. Many forum members are already Historic members too and regularly display on the club plot. New members are always very welcome (My interest as an Historic VW Club committee member is hereby declared!! Lol)
Just my thoughts.