When I went to shows like Bug Jam (many years ago), there were always scruffy lowered Beetles around
64rotbox wrote:
You're quite right, the difference being they were parked in the car park as a daily driver or work in progress and were not in the show and shine.
Incidentally I believe the Rat-Look thing comes from the Hot Rod scene.
BTW Anna, you'll love this one which (sorry for mentioning those 3 letters again all) I couldn't help myself post on Vzi. Clearly this is aimed at Bog Jam and modified scene but I think applies many UK events.
"Originally Posted by Damon
Patina has its place, some of my favourite cars and buses are unrestored, but, shitboxes that people leave to rot and pile shit ontop of don't belong in a show & shine. And if you think they do, you shouldn't be running the show and shine.
Look at the VW Classic, or EBI , or DKP cruise night for how a decent car display should be put on, not your local Macky-Ds"
My reply:
"I normally just read the contentious thread's but I gotta say here Damon you're bang on the money! I really laughed reading that. Your comments were so close to my way of thinking I thought gees, there IS someone that thinks like me!
I've said on here before and I'll say again...as far as I'm concerned a rat look car is for people who can't afford to build a car properly. You may think its cool on the 10 or 15 odd days a year you visit a VW show and the odd night you go to a club night but for the rest of the year the rest of the world thinks look at that...what a cock!
Someone else posted "I think that VW Classic and the DKP cruise are probably not fair comparisons". Don't see why? They are both 2 of the West Coast's most prestigous VW events and supposedly Bug Jam is one of ours. The majority of people in the states are continuously trying to raise the standard, the majority of people in the UK is seems are trying to lower the standard...."