  • vdubu
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago
:?: Does any one know how many 53 oval RHD's were made? Some one is telling me that only 11 were ever made because the 53 oval was only produced for about 3 months. Does any one know if that is true or not or where I can look to find out information like that? Thanks, and keep on bugg'n !!
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19 years ago
The first oval was built 10th March with chassis number 1-454 951
I would imagine more than 11 RHD beetles were built between March and December that year!

Info from The Historic VW Club website.


I'll see if I can find any more info on RHD numbers.

  • vdubu
  • Guest Topic Starter
19 years ago
Thanks six-o-one. Very useful info.
Rich Oakley
19 years ago
The factory in South Africa had been churning out bucket loads of RHD cars since 1951, so there's one large source.
From memory, I seem to recall that 945 RHD Ovals were sold in the UK during 1953.
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
Andy Sparks
19 years ago
From memory??? However remember that South Africa, Ireland, Japan, Sweeden, NZ, Australia all imported or CKD RHD bugs as well at this time.
You can never have too many accessories on your car. 🙂
Rich Oakley
19 years ago
Don't think the first VW imports started going into Japan until the mid-50s (possibly as late as '58?). Australia didn't start building their CKD ones until late 1954 and the only imports previous to that were personal ones. New Zealand started production of CKD cars within one month of the Australian factory being up and running.
Sweden rarely, if ever imported RHD bugs. Although they did drive on the left until 3rd Sept '67 (I think), 95% of post-war imports were ordered as LHD cars. Quite a few RHD buses were ordered though, usually to be used as taxis.
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
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