  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
13 years ago
Cool video of inside the VW factory, in colour! Early 50's, they're making ribbed door Ovals.


Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
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  • Piet
  • pre67vw Junkie
13 years ago
Gold coating clearly visible! Nice...

Proost! Peter.
1954 Oval L275 (in progressive refinement)
Fernando Pal
13 years ago
A meeting in Lisbon Portugal near Torre Belém

11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
13 years ago

Cool video of inside the VW factory, in colour! Early 50's, they're making ribbed door Ovals.


pre67vw wrote:

Smashing, how lavish back then using colour.:thumbup:

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
13 years ago
Only lavish in UK, still recovering on its own from the war. My father, who was a professional photographer, used colour a lot in the late 40's and early '50s; black and white for very high speed cine though.

To get back to your VWs, I understand ordinary colour film is equivalent to 20 megapixels on a digital camera so I guess for the very best pictures of your car film is still best.
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
13 years ago

To get back to your VWs, I understand ordinary colour film is equivalent to 20 megapixels on a digital camera so I guess for the very best pictures of your car film is still best.

merchantrader wrote:

There's a lot more to quality than megapixels, a sharp digital pic that's 5 megapixels is better than a blurry photo shot on film. Not sure where the 20 megapixels comes from though, I'm sure it would depend on the ASA - having said that, my digital camera is 18 megapixels so not far off.

But as you say... back to VW's :wink:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
13 years ago
For your interest 64 ASA, sorry should have said this not said ordinary, colour film is apparently equivalent to 20 megapixels. Info came form recent published reasons as to why Kodak had to file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection in US.

Full marks to your camera! Fortunately or unfortunately, depending how you look at it, dad taught me getting the shot is the most important and use, for everday photography, 100ASA for bw and 64 ASA for colour, keep the shutter speed at 1/100 second and adjust the aperture accordingly and luckily I've always had a steady hand so never had a blurry photo.
  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
13 years ago
Enjoy :d

Andy w
13 years ago
Nice video ,looked like she forgot the kids at the beach but decided to come back after all.Easily done i suppose ...
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
13 years ago

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
13 years ago
Not exactly a stock video, but it's so nicely done. I'd love to be able to do videos like this...

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
13 years ago

Not exactly a stock video, but it's so nicely done. I'd love to be able to do videos like this...

pre67vw wrote:

You're more than capable of making videos like that.

Nice talk by Rikki,very nice film.
13 years ago
Seeing as how the other thread I posted this in has turned into yet another trapstorm in an old teacup, I'll post it here too, so people might notice it. Excellent coverage of the 1979 Action engine change contest included... aah, happy days.

You can call me Al.
Rich Oakley
13 years ago

Seeing as how the other thread I posted this in has turned into yet another trapstorm in an old teacup, I'll post it here too, so people might notice it. Excellent coverage of the 1979 Action engine change contest included... aah, happy days.

64rotbox wrote:

Great video!!
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
13 years ago
This is pretty cool...

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
13 years ago

You're more than capable of making videos like that.

GKL 7 wrote:

Thanks! I'd love to give it a try, any suggestions or takers who'd like their car done and who is prepared to talk in front of a camera?
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago
Claus Missing shot some video on his GoPro camera at Lavenham:


Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • Piet
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
Geeee last one is blocked/copyright:evil:
Proost! Peter.
1954 Oval L275 (in progressive refinement)
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
12 years ago

Geeee last one is blocked/copyright:evil:

Piet wrote:

How about now?
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
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