Sorry, no pictures of the one we killed. Just to save face a bit here and help to justify scrapping it, I should mention that the roof was damaged where it had been picked up by a chain through the door openings 😞 . It was complete though and had a factory reconditioned engine in it that was date stamped 1947.
I’ve just been trying to find the scrap yard on Google Earth, but there’s no sign of it. Not sure if it’s not there anymore or if I’m just looking in the wrong place. It was on the West side of the railway somewhere near Biggleswade or Arlesy. There was a b road that ran East – West through a tunnel under the railway and the scrap yard was just South of the road about ¼ mile West of the railway. It’s probably long gone.
There weren’t many VWs in the yard, but the ones that were, like all the cars in there, were quite ancient as I don’t’ think the owner had been actively buying cars for some time. The chap who ran it was a miserable old bugger who lived in a Bungalow on the site with the mandatory big, vicious dogs.
Mike Peckham wrote: