9 years ago
I want to inform the community that this weekend, in Cincinnati Usa, Axel Hebmüller handed over a certificate of identity to Dan who drove 12 hrs from New York to Cincinnati to join the annual meeting. :thumbup: The same weekend as the usa Heb tour guys are gathering.

After a long search and several contacts, I was able to get the wanted information on Dan's Car that was known long time but unfortunatly lost its Heb body nr.
Now I can proud announce that Dan's car, when new, got the body nr 14-00066. :omg:
A big thank also to the Hebmuller family to help with this and the handing over of the certificate

Here is what is written on the Heb hunters facebook page. :

Big Surprise on Heb Tour - 2015 !
Dan Arena is shocked as Axel Hebmuller presents him with a new certificate of Identity for his beautiful Heb. After 20 years of ownership , Dan now knows his HEB Body number is # 066 ! This is thanks to tireless Heb_Hunting efforts by Peter Schepens, the Karmann & Heb Registry & the Hebmuller Family!
Congrats Dan & welcome HEB 066 to the Registry  12011319_492271604287890_6260491585115355454_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  12047165_492531837595200_4978054304042022751_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  12049213_492531784261872_6272179658839887103_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  12066037_492271564287894_1198738816528600844_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
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ste VW agen
9 years ago
Dear Heb_Fans,

It's a great feeling to see the Heb_Community come together Across continents to help each other out!

It's hard to describe the look on Dan's face when Axel broke the news to him & even though he held the "Zertifikat" in Hand, he still could not believe it !

I hope we do this again & again & again until all extant Hebs are found & all found Hebs are properly & completely identified .

Thanks to Axel & to Peter for this incredible surprise ! Dan was truly aghast & then humbled by the news !

Ste VW e
I Ha VW e a Dream!! (Well ...... err, Many!)
1) '49 Hebmueller (project)
2) '51 Split Sunroof (project)
3) '56 Oval Ste VW agen (project)
4 & 5) '67 Kabriolett x 2 (projects)
6) '18 K Gold Split Pendant around my neck since 1976 (complete & original)
9 years ago
Thats very cool. :thumbup:

Can I ask how the body number was found? Presumably it's still on it's original pan and the body number was found from the chassis number?

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
9 years ago

Thats very cool. :thumbup:

Can I ask how the body number was found? Presumably it's still on it's original pan and the body number was found from the chassis number?


Originally Posted by: pre67vw 

Hi Rob, Yes, the Og Vin nr was known. With help from some hebhunters..... we managed to get the beloved nr and got it confirmed on paper 😉 It took some time and effort to get the info for a car I do not own... 😳
The goal is to do it for other cars but It is not just a simple task.


ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective