The 52 standard bonnet had been braised in the past but some areas needed a fresh repair before painting, so I got the grinder and welder out again. The result is a solid standard split bonnet again. Wire tubes are on the wings now too so the final bodywork will commence now.
I've been distracted by another split project of mine which I have been quietly working on in the background a 1952 deluxe. I am pleased to say that it is also coming along nicely and I would really like to get the metal work finished on it before bringing the freshly painted standard home. I am doing a bit to it each night. Front wings are finished, rear wings are finished, new rear bumper brackets have been manufactured and fitted. Split bonnet has been trial fitted and is sitting well. The floor pan is finished barr the brake pipes, with a running engine, crash box, axle steering, new fuel line installed in the chassis etc . Final push is on with the deluxe which will help with getting the standard home. I will try and get a new thread up on the 52 deluxe.