After just over 15 years running my website on Judson Superchargers it’s time to make moves to secure the information for the foreseeable future. This has come about for several reason, the main ones being the increased difficulty in keeping the website up to date using software that stopped being supported in 2002 and the fact that the information needs a safe and secure location over the long term. The main components of the website have been carefully dismantled into its useful component parts and re-housed for future generations of “Vintage Speed” enthusiasts.
Where can you find these “useful component parts”?
After a quick chat with Everett Barnes he has kindly found a cosy corner of The Archive to house Judson History, Installation Instructions, Promotional Material, Magazine Test Reports and Technical Articles….the meat of the original Judson Register website. I like to think between myself and fellow Judson enthusiast over those 15 years, we managed to put together a Judson Archive that contained virtually everything published on Judson Superchargers but that doesn’t mean it’s all done…all complete. If you have a look through The Samba Judson Archive and find you have something we’ve overlooked (or even a better copy)…provide either me, John Moxon or Everett Barnes with a good quality copy and we’ll add it to the Samba Archive.