14 years ago
Hello tom, Nice find. I send you a question over the Add.
Welcome to the forum.
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
14 years ago

Here are some Nos parts :d


Tom Bo wrote:

Take a good look folks. The handle area is off center to the screwing area.
At Hebs it is all centered. They are close but not the same.
They could be used but are not exactely the right ones.
Here is a pic to compare.

Master of my domaine.
14 years ago
They look also off center? I could imagine that the ones on the samba also look off center due to photographing them in an angle? ;)

No hard feelings? :oops: :d Just kidding with you. The samba ones do look off centered.
The HebsterWerks.
9 years ago
Anyone got a pair of these they could sell me cheap? :wink:
The HebsterWerks.