  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
8 years ago
The forum has been quiet for some time, with pretty much everything moving over to social media these days - I think the days for forums in general are definitely numbered.

I'm thinking that it's probably time to call it a day with this forum.

I'll leave it here for a few weeks, so that people can copy off or save things that they'd like to keep.

It was good while it lasted, Cheers. :beer: :beer:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
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8 years ago

The forum has been quiet for some time, with pretty much everything moving over to social media these days - I think the days for forums in general are definitely numbered.

I'm thinking that it's probably time to call it a day with this forum.

I'll leave it here for a few weeks, so that people can copy off or save things that they'd like to keep.

It was good while it lasted, Cheers. :beer: :beer:

Originally Posted by: pre67vw 

Well I was somehow hoping that the seemingly inevitable would not happen. I am probably one of the few vintage VW fans that have little interest in social media, and look forward to the pre67vw forum contact, though I have been disheartened lately by the little response I get to posts now.

I can't deny that this is a bit of a blow. I think that you have done an excellent job over the years Rob, but in the world of the internet things don't stay unchanged for long.
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
Zubeir Moin
8 years ago
I am very saddened by the news, a die hard fan of this forum, but trying to accept the fact as every good thing comes to an end. Have learned a lot of things which enriched my knowledge in aircooleds.

Thank u Rob for your efforts over the years.
Zubeir Moin
Convenor & President
Classic Volkswagen Club of Bangladesh
8 years ago
I`m so sorry that I could not contribute much to keep the forum alive - it is simply a language problem :oops: -
Thanks Rob for your efforts and your precious job ! :thumbup:


8 years ago
Very sad to hear that Rob but as they say all good things come to an was great while it lasted.

I too came to the point when I no longer saw the need for my Judson website as a stand-alone resource. The Samba kindly found a corner of their archive to store the information I had accumulated and ensured it wasn't lost forever. If you have archived information yourself over the years I'm sure Everett would be only too pleased to find a new home for it and to make it available to all.

Social media in no way compares with a well run's "Information Lite" for the sound-bite/lifestyle generation. As long as there are people who are serious about their hobby there will always be a demand for a well run, searchable forum/archive...fewer of them but I think they will survive.

Thanks for the serious info and the lighter moments, which were plentiful.

See you at the shows. :smile:

Cheers Rob and all the regulars, we'll miss Pre67vw.

John Moxon.
8 years ago
Hi Rob, you have done a great job, I still think that it is a great forum. As others have said the likes of Instagram and FB seem to be taking president, I think many people would be sad to see this go, but I appreciate your time and effort to maintain it. Would it be feasible to maybe condense it slightly and make it easier to maintain?
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
8 years ago
That would be a great shame to see it close Rob,although i´ve not been on here so much lately myself, mainly because i haven´t been playing about with the car much recently.
I agree that social media is no replacement for a well organised forum, but if it gets too quiet on here, then why carry on?
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
8 years ago

Would it be feasible to maybe condense it slightly and make it easier to maintain?

Originally Posted by: ianmac 

I've realised that the whole login/account side of the website is driven by the forum, so it's actually going to be quite a lot of work to ditch the forum. So I think this might actually be the best option.

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
8 years ago

I've realised that the whole login/account side of the website is driven by the forum, so it's actually going to be quite a lot of work to ditch the forum. So I think this might actually be the best option.

Originally Posted by: pre67vw 

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :beer:
Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
Fiber Split
8 years ago
No don't do it :omg: There are lots of interesting things and people on here. All I do is face book and that's it 😞 It will be a BIG loss to the Pre 67 U/K scene.

Andy W
8 years ago
There is loads of useful info on here, I have used it loads while restoring the oval, I have contributed myself but not as much as I would have liked. To lose all the technical info on here would be a travesty.
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
7 years ago
As you can probably tell, pre67vw is still here...

I'd like to hear any suggestions, improvements, complaints etc. on how to make the site a bit more relevant in today's socially networked world.

What would you like to see? what would make you use the site more? what might be the final nail in the coffin and stop you from coming here altogether?

Thanks :beer:
Rob -
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
7 years ago
Good to see the forums still hanging on, Rob:beer:

Dare I say it, but I think we need to encourage a bit more social chit-chat - that tends to be more the type of posting I do now. Back in the day I think there was too much locking of threads for daring to go a bit off topic, and as I recall the forums were very popular then. You only have to see my Rattletrap thread's posts to see that (even with a few cartoons thrown in)..:smile:

We need to make the 12 volters feel a bit more special. 1970's Beetles and vans are having a surge of interest, reflected in the asking prices when on the market.

A new forum is a possibility too, under the title of VW Market Trends, with people posting about what VW advert has caught their eye recently. Could be very interesting given the amount of sky-high prices asked, and the amount of scrap vehicles advertised for silly money (such as I often see on Ebay).

Rattletrap – the Volkswagen Beetle that has covered an incredible mileage equivalent to over 35 times around the planet :omg:
Running nifty since 1950… the King of Volkswagens:beer: Why not make friends with this famous little VW – he's on facebook!
Fiber Split
7 years ago
I still pop in every now and again :shock: Lots of good info on here :thumbup: It would be a grate shame if it were to be lost:omg:

Andy W
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
7 years ago
Forum is now closed for business.

Thank you to the many people who have contributed over the years.

:beer: :beer:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • pre67vw
  • Administration Topic Starter
6 years ago
And we're back.... maybe :thumbup:

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
6 years ago
Hi Rob,

Still here...still a forum user. I think all Forums are going through this fluctuation in fortunes...even The Samba has seen a reduction in foot-fall.
I like to think it is the "lifestyle enthusiasts" who drift away to the Facebook pages. I haven't changed my opinion on that score...there'll always be a need for an expert repository for information.
6 years ago
facebooks a sinking ship! :wink:

I think real enthusiasts will still use forums. :thumbup: :beer:
6 years ago
Thanks for your help getting me back on Rob and let's hope it gets used. As I said Facebook has its place but is a bit 'here today, gone tomorrow'. Personally I prefer lurking on forums - lots of interesting hints and tips to pick up plus people with a huge amount of knowledge too!
6 years ago
Glad you are giving it a go to revive this forum. I've been a casual visitor to this site - mostly interested in the Coachbuilt threads.
I have not been on Facebook (even though they are headquartered in my home town), so I guess I have been missing out a lot...
I'm looking forward to seeing more activity and try to participate more.