17 years ago
Replica shell for sale in Australia, only £2000 for what would make a nice project. to make it look more like the real thing, I reckon it needs one of Dirk's engine lids and rear panels, split dash, semaphores, the back window looks a bit too high and the shape of the end of the gutter is wrong as well.

Apart from all that, I think it looks realy great on it's own merits and its a real shame the recurection panels cars never took off. 

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17 years ago
Another view...  9785.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
17 years ago
And the real one...  9786.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
17 years ago
The Resurection panels cars probably never caught on because of the dire quality, if the examples I've seen, and the car here are anything to go by.
That roof looks suspiciously like a Morris Oxford MO lid, but its a nice round shape and the "woop de doo" rollercoaster like window line needs urgent attention.


That said, this looks like it would make a fun project for someone.

Does anyone have any side photos of the original Heb Coupe? Always wondered what it was like in profile.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
17 years ago
I think you're right about the roof. Morris cars were exported to Australia.

I thought it might have been from a minor or something but hadn't looked for any pics.

With Dirks back panels, and starting with a split beetle you could build a pretty accurate replica which would be realy nice to see!
