lou cypher
17 years ago

If your going in the 356, maybe they will be allowed in? (that's up to the organisers) or you can either;
Park the 356 in my garage and come with me.
Park the 356 in my garage and I will loan you a vehicle that qualifies

"356boy" wrote:

just one problem there lou, i happen to know you dont have a garage :lol: :lol:

Building new one, will be finished by then. will post picture on garage page. :wink:
  • 48REME
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
17 years ago
To quote Scotty:
Unlike a line up of restored black ovals?

That is why I think a 1957 cut-off date for cars allowed in is stupid. The sight of dozens of ovals and splits doesn't make these particularly rare. I get the feeling that if it's 'old' (in the acceptable pre-57 way) then it's OK, otherwise, forget it!
I remember this friend of mine, a young Belgian, who was nearly refused entrance to the Bad Camberg display four years ago, although he had a one-off coachbuilt Beetle estate van, very similar to the Meussen coachbuilt estates of the 50s.
Ahh, but his car was from 1966, so it nearly didn't deserve to sit next to the usual pick of acceptable cars. As Scotty implies, it's probably far more interesting to see a row of ovals or something instead!
People are now brainwashed with the idea that age equals rarity. I just say it's plain ignorance and snobbery....and it's what fuels crazy price trends too!
Where are the true classic VW enthusiasts and connoisseurs these days? :shock:  10847.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
17 years ago
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
17 years ago
I'm with you guys - and I'll take "interesting" over strictly age limited or strictly original any day.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
17 years ago

People are now brainwashed with the idea that age equals rarity. I just say it's plain ignorance and snobbery....and it's what fuels crazy price trends too!
Where are the true classic VW enthusiasts and connoisseurs these days? :shock:

"48REME" wrote:

I agree with you completely ( apart from the unrestored v restored paint thing)
when space is limited at a show venue there have to be some rules/guidelines/criteria. Its not always possible to find space for 1940-1967 all vws. In the uk there arent so many stock 60's beetles left that it would be a problem in my view, in fact thats what I am looking forward to seeing most at Lavenham, and I'm taking my 63 too.

I cant wait to see lots of stock '58 and '59 cars in those great 1/2 year only colours!!! 😃 :D

I think it would be better at H.O. to have a street filled with 58-67 stock only cars instead of the street of modified cars. But thats just my opinion. I know the H.O. team will make it work one way or another!
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
lou cypher
17 years ago

That is why I think a 1957 cut-off date for cars allowed in is stupid.

"48REME" wrote:

:shock: Why?

The sight of dozens of ovals and splits doesn't make these particularly rare.

"48REME" wrote:

No it doesn't, but where else do you go to see as many Splits, Ovals, Kübels ,Schwims etc? Or may be that is an everyday sight where you live.
Also the question is, did you think this way when you had the '48?
I know you have a rare car now, but it's not a Split or an Oval. That is what HO is, or shall we just make it like the rest of the VW shows?

I agree the estate should be allowed as it is a coachbuilt.

Where are the true classic VW enthusiasts and connoisseurs these days? :shock:

"48REME" wrote:

I think that is an insult to the Grundmanns, so they are not true VW enthusiasts? They open their private museum to us all and lend their cars free of charge to the Wolfsburg museum.They put in endless hours organising a show for us to attend.

So if I had the last mexican beetle produced, then that would be ok to take this and park next to the splits, after all it's rare!

At the end of the day we can all get on our soap boxes but the rules are the rules.

No one is forcing you to go :wink:
17 years ago

That is why I think a 1957 cut-off date for cars allowed in is stupid.

"lou cypher" wrote:

:shock: Why?

The sight of dozens of ovals and splits doesn't make these particularly rare.

"48REME" wrote:

At the end of the day we can all get on our soap boxes but the rules are the rules.

"48REME" wrote:

You are right and make a good point.

At Stonor park this year there were how many stock ovals on the show field? 2?! How many splits? no stock, 1 resto?
Apart from Stanford Hall ( I didnt go this year) you wont see more than a 1 or 2 splits and a few ovals(non ratters) at any of the uk shows.

I cant remember the last time I saw a line up of black stock ovals anywhere outside of H.O. or Camberg.
Friends from NZ always travel over for the German shows and its not to see 60's beetles. They have lots of those but only a handful of split beetles in all Australasia.
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
lou cypher
17 years ago

Friends from NZ always travel over for the German shows and its not to see 60's beetles. They have lots of those but only a handful of split beetles in all Australasia.

"mrsherbie" wrote:

Thats true, I also know people from NZ who are restoring early splits, this is one of the only places they can go to check originality details. :wink:

  • 48REME
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
17 years ago
Oh so you don't mind that the coachbuilt estate gets in even though that doesn't conform to the very 'rules' which outlawed in the first place?
Careful now, you might be 'outruled' by some for thinking outside the 'rules'!
Maybe it's time to enforce some of your 'rules' on this site and pressurise it into being called Pre 57 then! Honestly...Is this what this hobby is coming to now?
'50 Karmann
17 years ago

Maybe it's time to enforce some of your 'rules' on this site and pressurise it into being called Pre 57 then!

"48REME" wrote:

What a great idea :wink:

'50 Karmann
17 years ago
Before you get all excited Nick,i know where you're coming from.
I too would rather see your car at BC or HO instead of all the Pikey buses that are invading.Even if they are pre '57.
But the majority of people commenting on this matter do not realise just how rare your car is.
So if thats the case, their opinion does not count,so take consolation in the fact that you are right but i'm afraid they will never see it.
lou cypher
17 years ago

Maybe it's time to enforce some of your 'rules' on this site and pressurise it into being called Pre 57 then!

"'50 Karmann" wrote:

What a great idea :wink:

"48REME" wrote:

Works for me :lol: :lol:

anyway do I really honestly care what anyone thinks, I can go to my garage and have a choice of car than WILL qualify and no, they are not rusty shitboxes :lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess that makes me an ignorant snob

Lucky me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

And yes, I do know how rare your car is, but it's not pre '57 is it :wink:

'50 Karmann
17 years ago
Why the magic figure of Pre '57?
Why not Pre '53?
Or lets get really snobby why not Pre march '49.
I'll still be there, car on the register.

Me and about 6 others,that would make a great show wouldn't it.
(i'm sure hundreds would travel thousands of miles to see it)

I think,HO in mind i would rather see a street filled with these later rarer cars,than a street filled with earlier modified vehicles.
Modified cars should not be let within 10Kms of the town.
H.O beside Lavenham(if it goes ahead) is our last total stock show,so if i were the supreme decision maker at H.O i would have all modified cars turned away.Along with crazy Belgians :wink: :wink: :wink:

17 years ago

Oh so you don't mind that the coachbuilt estate gets in even though that doesn't conform to the very 'rules' which outlawed in the first place?
Careful now, you might be 'outruled' by some for thinking outside the 'rules'!
Maybe it's time to enforce some of your 'rules' on this site and pressurise it into being called Pre 57 then! Honestly...Is this what this hobby is coming to now?

"48REME" wrote:

Bad Camberg entry requirements:

Brezel- und Oval-Käfer
- Typ 2 bis Produktionsdatum 28.02.1955
und Fahrgestell-Nr. 20 – 117901
- Typ 128 und 166 VW Schwimmwagen
- Typ 82 VW Kübelwagen 1940 – 1945
- Sonderkarosserien und –aufbauten bis 1967

The estate gets in as a special body up to '67 :wink:
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
17 years ago

Oh so you don't mind that the coachbuilt estate gets in even though that doesn't conform to the very 'rules' which outlawed in the first place?
Careful now, you might be 'outruled' by some for thinking outside the 'rules'!
Maybe it's time to enforce some of your 'rules' on this site and pressurise it into being called Pre 57 then! Honestly...Is this what this hobby is coming to now?

"pre67vw" wrote:

Bad Camberg entry requirements:

Brezel- und Oval-Käfer
- Typ 2 bis Produktionsdatum 28.02.1955
und Fahrgestell-Nr. 20 – 117901
- Typ 128 und 166 VW Schwimmwagen
- Typ 82 VW Kübelwagen 1940 – 1945
- Sonderkarosserien und –aufbauten bis 1967

The estate gets in as a special body up to '67 :wink:

"48REME" wrote:

So is my `58 and your `65 Karmann Beetle considered a "special body" or just too downright common?
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
17 years ago

Every show nowadays, be it classic/vintage/stock or not, seems swamped with these lowered, loud, ratty buses and beetles. They want to be different from the norm but unfortunately they all end up looking the same. And that rusty unfinished look for me is just an excuse for cheap restoration. I believe it's a fashion of the moment which simply has no place in historic displays of unmodified vehicles. There are enough venues for that sort of cars. Sorry to offend but tough!

"48REME" wrote:

Had it occurred to you that the 'rusty unfinished look' could be exactly that? a work in progress?

My '53 is not restored, and will not be while it is in my posession. I have merely done what it needs to make it safe and legal, and made it useable. Damn right im not going to pour £20k into restoring it because thats not why i like 'old cars' - I like them because they feel old, they have history, they live and breathe and will continue to do so. I also have a very straight and rust free '55 panel, that has been restored, bare metalled etc etc, and I am selling it because it does not have what I desire in old cars. If I were to restore the '53, I would purge it of all its history, drain its soul from its tin, and end up with a precious expensive toy that I couldnt park anywhere or use without thinking that it would get damaged in some way.

I think of car shows as an interesting array of old machinery, not a 'display' as such, bring on the variety I say. :wink:

Im with the modified guys on this, as my bus is modified, as the trained eye will be able to tell. :wink:

I apologise unreservedly for my vehicle... Wheres the crusher?
17 years ago

.........l the Pikey buses that are invading.Even if they are pre '57........

"'50 Karmann" wrote:

Strangely you didnt seem to express this opinion on my bus when you were talking to me at the show...
I apologise unreservedly for my vehicle... Wheres the crusher?
17 years ago

So is my `58 and your `65 Karmann Beetle considered a "special body" or just too downright common?

"JD" wrote:

I think people would much rather look at candy flip front Hebs and rusty lowered busses with bling wheels than a couple of 'late' model cabrios.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
17 years ago
tinternet has ruined alot of things, unless like you say theres a show for a chosen few organised betwwen yourselves then your always going to attract the wrong sort. if HO is to be a stock success then the organisers have to be very strict, even if registered people turn up modified cars they should be turned away without refund.
it could mean your own masonic lodge

tickle tickle :wink:
17 years ago

My '53 is not restored, and will not be while it is in my posession.
I like them because they feel old, they have history, they live and breathe and will continue to do so. I also have a very straight and rust free '55 panel, that has been restored, bare metalled etc etc, and I am selling it because it does not have what I desire in old cars. If I were to restore the '53, I would purge it of all its history, drain its soul from its tin, and end up with a precious expensive toy that I couldnt park anywhere or use without thinking that it would get damaged in some way.

I think of car shows as an interesting array of old machinery, not a 'display' as such, bring on the variety I say. :wink:

"streetwagens" wrote:

I have been driving my 63 this week before I take her apart shortly to repaint her (she was repainted once, pearl white in the 70's over the Ruby red which was faded (typical of high UV in NZ/OZ) I have always intended to do this but never wanted to own a fresh shiny car since I spent a fortune on one years ago which was key scratched within weeks and I really didnt enjoy that new paint one bit. It has taken me 15yrs to get back to the point of being prepared to try owning shiny paint again with all the worry it entails.

The biggest thing I have enjoyed this week is how the car smells inside, not how it looks. Lovely old and original. musty :D

The saving grace with my 50 being fully restored and repainted was the original interior. smelly again. great! Although the mouse nests inside the rear seat back constantly drop seeds, dry grass and mouse droppings on the floor. Mixed with the constantly shedding hair from Butty the reindeer on the back seat, I am hoovering far more than I had foreseen :shock: :lol:

Owens car will I know irritate many stockers with its surface rust, like your green bus. But how many 50 sunroofs are there left in original paint? We'd rather have ours over that Rich's50 anyday! There are no allen headed stainless bolts on ours :shock:
Unrestored over restored anyday. But of course with most cars that have been restored before you dont get the luxury of this choice(ie my 63) So you have to restore or leave it as is with wrong coloured/dodgy acrylic old paintwork?!

Variety IS the key. But new junk like KCW and made in china tat has no historically interesting place on these cars. Thats why modified is out on these type of early vehicles for me. :shock:

By the way, Hello Donna Kebab! 😃
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
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