honest harry
17 years ago
The battery was low, it only clicks on the starter.Charge it, and it starts, but having run for a while ,it won't start again, just clicks, even though the head lights will be bright for a couple of hours. Put new battery on, started, same thing. I was wondering if the generator is flattening it, because the leads or on the wrong way ?? its wired NEG earth at the moment, but don't know if it's been changed when it had a 16oo engine fitted befor I bought it. What do I try next ???
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1958 Harry
17 years ago
Maybe the solenoids kippered?

Multi show winning magazine featured '58 Bug - Harry
2007 2.0 New Beetle - Mijj
'50 Karmann
17 years ago
I agree,kippered or sticking.
17 years ago
Try a new Bronze Phospher bush that supports the un supported end of the starter motors armature if it's not the solanoid.
honest harry
17 years ago
Sorted,,!!Thanks for replies[/b], but It was what I thought, Some how the generater, had changed polatity.. With the old fan belt slipping,the battery must have been able to cope. but when I fitted a new one, it was trying to charge it the wrong way. Change the polarity and its fine .
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