  • Tina
  • Regular Topic Starter
20 years ago
Hi friends here !

I am Tina, Sharkys new partner, from Austria (Europe)
I am in love with the Ovali VW's, but only if they are not restored, also in bad conditions.
Please let me know if you got some for sell, i will be thankful for any help.

Tina Ovali
with many thanks
Strange people, strange cars, US Ghost Towns (Ruby and Bodie)
Robinson 22 and 44, Pappelen u. Jelände 911er
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20 years ago
Sharky, you don't have to pretend to be someone else, just don't post so much crap

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
20 years ago
I was thinking the same thing Rob !! :roll:
BTW Mark, I know 4 ovals for sale in original condition, send me a mail but only if you are realy intrested, and not for wasting my time !! :evil:
[email protected]

  • Tina
  • Regular Topic Starter
20 years ago
Tina is NOT sharky !!!!

keep this noted please !!!
he doesnt like this forum here, he will never come back in here !!!

Tina Ovali !!!
Strange people, strange cars, US Ghost Towns (Ruby and Bodie)
Robinson 22 and 44, Pappelen u. Jelände 911er
20 years ago

he doesnt like this forum here, he will never come back in here !!!

THANK YOU GOD!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

:twisted: ET

I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
20 years ago
Hmm, but he recommended the site to you? :roll:

And when you first tried registering as Tina, you had an italian email address even though you are in Austria? :roll:

Tell Sharky when you see him next :wink: that he is of course always welcome here so long as he doesn't post rubbish...

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW