  • pp
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16 years ago

On Sunday 31th of August 2008, the Belgian historical town of Lier will be the scene for the 6th international VW Classics Meeting. On a separate section of the meeting area there will be a "Vintage VW Show", as a meeting-in-a-meeting for the oldest Volkswagens. The 2007 edition of the "Vintage VW Show" was already a huge success, a new record was set for the highest number of Splitwindow and Oval beetles ever seen on the showground of a Belgian meeting. With no less then 44 participants, the "Vintage VW Show" in Lier could already be regarded as a smaller version of the famous Vintage Meetings in Bad Camberg and Hessisch Oldendorf. With last years succesfull edition freshly in mind, the team of organizers decided to turn the Vintage VW Show into a yearly event. Also, from 2008 onwards, the criteria for participating will be more flexible, so that more Vintage Volkswagen owners can join in. The "Vintage VW Show" will not be restricted to Splitwindows and Oval beetles only, but will be open for all pre-67 Beetles and other types of "Vintage-style VW's" in original condition. The complete list of admitted vehicles now looks like this:

==> VW type 1 (Beetle), until August 1967
==> VW Type 3 ( Notchback, Fastback, Variant, Ghia) until August 1969
==> Military VW's (KdF wagen), 1938-1945
==> VW Karmann Ghia (Type 14 + Type 34), until August 1971
==> Special coach-built VW's (e.g. Hebmüller, Dannenhauer & Stauss, Beutler...)
==> Porsche 356, 1948–1964

This year a genuine Concours d'Elegance will be introduced, exclusively for the participants of the "Vintage VW Show". All participating cars of the " Vintage VW Show " will not only be in the running for the trophees of the VW Classics Meeting (which are choosen by the public), moreover they will also be judged by a team of experts. There are trophees for the top-3 of most original and best Vintage Volkswagens. Enough reasons for candidates to bring their cars up to show condition for 31st of August!

Important: Only cars that meet the criteria can participate in the Vintage VW Show. All cars have to be in original / stock condition, meaning that they have to resemble more or less the state as they originally left the factory production lines at the time. Only periodical accessoiries are allowed. Strictly no lowered suspensions, custom rims, flashy colours or tuned engines please (these cars will be directed to the parking area of the VW Classics Meeting)

Practical info: owners of Vintage Volkswagens that meet the criteria as described above will be given a preferential treatment during the VW Classics Meeting. They can book their own personal parking place for the "Vintage VW Show" in advance. It is expected that the meeting area of the VW Classics Meeting will be filled up completely during the day, therefore pre-registration is recommended. The space available for the Vintage VW Show is limited and will be set out depending on the number of pre-subsricptions. By subscribing beforehand, you will be guaranteed of a personal parking place for your Volkswagen and besides that, you will also help us to estimate the number of places that we need to provide. Entries for the Vintage VW Show on Sunday 31th without pre-subcription will only be accepted in case of cancellations of other participants. Pre-subscription for the "Vintage VW Show" is free of charge, but all participants will be asked to pay the normal entrance fee of 6 Euro/car when entering the meeting.

:arrow: use this form to register for the “Vintage VW Show”: Vintage VW Show - registration form 

1) at the bottom of the form, fill in the data – use the “tab” key or mouse to skip from one field to another.
2) next, save the document on your PC: file > “save as” – filename: VWCM2008_Vintage_your name.doc
3) send an e-mail with this WORD-file in attachment to: [email protected]

For further questions regarding the "Vintage VW Show":

VWCM 2008 - Vintage
p/a Paul Peeters
Belfortplein 20
BE-2500 Lier (Belgium)
mobile: +32 (0)474-661404
e-mail: [email protected]

website: www.vwclassicsclub.be 

www.ppress.be  - Classic Car Photography
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  • pp
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16 years ago
some images of last years' edition of the Vintage VW Show - Lier 2007:









more images on:

www.carsthestars.be 1 
www.carsthestars.be 2 

www.ppress.be  - Classic Car Photography
  • pp
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16 years ago
For those who want to know more about the city of Lier, here’s the link to the touristic website: www.toerismelier.be 

Less know and much smaller then other Flemish historic cities, Lier has still a lot to offer: the main attractrions are the Lier Beguinage and Belfry (both are on the prestigious list of Unesco World Heritage Sites) and ofcourse the world famous Zimmer Tower with its astronomic studio and clocks. From the centre, there are signposted city walks and the surrounding countryside makes Lier an excellent base for for hiking and cycling tours.

Although the VW Classics & Vintage Meeting is a one-day event, Lier 2008 could be a great opportunity for discovering more of Flanders, Belgium. If anyone needs more specific information they can always contact me for practical tips. I’ve been living in Lier for almost fourteen years (and in Flanders the whole of my life...), and I can provide and specific information about the region. For info about accommodation in Lier, please contact the local tourist office (see website).

Paul Peeters

mobile: +32 (0)474-661404
e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

www.ppress.be  - Classic Car Photography
  • pp
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16 years ago
only 30 days to go...:d
www.ppress.be  - Classic Car Photography
16 years ago
I'll try to be there...
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
16 years ago
I'll be there with the 51:idea: and if ET is nice to me the rest of the week , I'll take him with me aswell:lol: :lol:

16 years ago
We are coming with 6 ovals... :d
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
  • pp
  • Guest Topic Starter
16 years ago
Pre-registrations for the Vintage VW Show are now officially closed (there’s no time to send the confirmation letter by post), however we will accept a few more entries. The aim was to have 80 cars for the Vintage section, and we’re getting closer to this figure by the day. With only 3 days to go we now have 65 cars registered.

The number of foreign participants is rather low, but I assume that has to do with the fact that Lier is a one-day event… However, it proves that some of the finest Vintage VW's are to be found in our very own little country. Ofcourse I had hoped for more cars and drivers from this forum, especially from Germany and from the UK where most of the Vintage meetings are taking place. Anyway, we’re looking forward to Sunday’s event in Lier and we will do our best to give the Dutch and the English delegation(*) a warm welcome in Lier…!

(*) btw, he drives an oval window ;-)

PS: If you still want to join in, please contact me by e-mail (until Saturday morning) or mobile phone +32 (0)474 661404, there are a few places left to fill…

www.ppress.be  - Classic Car Photography
16 years ago
A few pictures from the Show in Lier !
Lier 2008 
Great show, good and friendly organisation,nice weather, nice cars !
I realy like that 48 beetle in unrestored condition, the interior was still covered with plastic :shock: :shock: :shock:
I Never had seen a unrestored split from 48 in that condition !
Perfect show Paul, thanks to all the people from your club !

16 years ago
Yesterday in Lier Guido was using (after a week of hard working to my Heb) my wheelchair!!!:d
After a while I needed to go to the toilet so I called him and said: "He paralised dog come here!":oops:
Ofcourse all the people who heard where giving me angry looks!!:x
If the looks of those people could have kill I would have been dead now!
But when they saw Guido getting up and coming out of the wheelchair they where even more surprised!!!:shock: :shock: :shock:
Maybe a miracle happened? :d :d :d :d :d 😳

BTW: Nice show and next year I'll be back with the Heb!

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
  • pp
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16 years ago

A few pictures from the Show in Lier !
Lier 2008 
Great show, good and friendly organisation,nice weather, nice cars !
I realy like that 48 beetle in unrestored condition, the interior was still covered with plastic :shock: :shock: :shock:
I Never had seen a unrestored split from 48 in that condition !
Perfect show Paul, thanks to all the people from your club !


Etzhold1 wrote:

Thank you for the nice words Guido :d

You were not the only one impressed by the Belgian unrestored '48. How much more "Vintage" can a car be...? I was very happy to have this car at our show...8)

Shall we introduce a "preservation class" at our concours next time?

www.ppress.be  - Classic Car Photography
16 years ago
This 48' looks wounderful, hopefully it will be at HO next June for the classic VW meeting, would be simply outstanding to see it.

Did anyone get the owners contact details ?

16 years ago

This 48' looks wounderful, hopefully it will be at HO next June for the classic VW meeting, would be simply outstanding to see it.

Did anyone get the owners contact details ?

Oval54-NZ wrote:

Why would you need his contact details???:cry:
The car is not for sale:roll: 😳

16 years ago

Who said anything about it being for sale ? Contact details so someone could ask the owner if he is taking it to HO next year !!
  • pp
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16 years ago


Who said anything about it being for sale ? Contact details so someone could ask the owner if he is taking it to HO next year !!

Oval54-NZ wrote:

His name is not on the list of participants on www.uraltkaefer.de, so I think the answer is negative. :wink:
www.ppress.be  - Classic Car Photography
16 years ago
Thanks for looking for me Guido, would have been real nice to see this 48’ Beetle at HO.
16 years ago
Don't worry,

There will be plenty vintage VW's !
Believe me, you will not regret your long trip to get there !
For me it is the best Vintage VW show in the world !
Rob should make pre 67 T shirts, and donate :lol: one to all the members from this forum who are in HO !(My size is L Rob and I like black shirts :wink: )
I think he's able to find a sponsor to realize this !
:idea: We could have a small meeting on saterday at THE museum :beer: :beer: !



16 years ago

Rob should make pre 67 T shirts, and donate :lol: one to all the members from this forum who are in HO

Etzhold1 wrote:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
YES i think you should aswell Rob.

Rob's disappeared.
16 years ago

Rob's disappeared.

'50 Karmann wrote:

I'm still here, I think it's a great idea too... (doesn't mean I'm going to do it though :wink: )
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
16 years ago

I'm still here, I think it's a great idea too... (doesn't mean I'm going to do it though :wink: )

pre67vw wrote:

I was already walking (riding) around with such an adea for several months!:shock:
I can not imagine how much force Guido needed of his braincels to come to this idea?
It is nice to get aquinted to the people who you speak to on the forum!:p
When you see them without an identification (I mean a shirt with his/hers pre67 name on it) you easily pass them!
So come on Rob do it!!!:roll:
And don't dare to say no,[-x
otherwise ........:?: :?:
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!