16 years ago
Evening all!

Previously, I just lurked around these parts, but on Sunday, I picked up this:


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16 years ago
Originally an Aussie ckd (I thinK... awaiting the heritage cert) it's been in the UK for 8 years or so. Rock solid and very original, there's not a scrap of rot in it. Doors, channels, gutters etc are all perfect. The only damage is to the front and rear valances. The front has had a very slight bump which should be relatively easy to sort out and the rear valance has had holes cut in for twin tailpipes. All the wings are the original ones and just need a little work to get them spot on.

The plan is to change the hideous plates, clean and check everything over, blast the bejaysus out of it with waxoyl/Dinitrol and the get the engine and box rebuilt just to be on the safeside. The wacky Hella indicators can stay until the wings go off to be fettled at some future date.

The heater channels are all original and rot free .. front and back. The muck in the corner on the rear shot is sand!


16 years ago
The seats and door cards are in pretty good shape - not torn or damaged in any way. I wasn't sure how original they were, but the trim is the same up the b-post as well and has obviously been like that since day 1.

Carpet has had it though and the headline is a bit ropey in parts!


Ribbed doors are grooved handles are perfect.

16 years ago
Old logo Bosch headlights:


Original engine

  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
16 years ago
Great find! Don't see many that clean.

Loving those indicators - very `59 Cadillac. Weld some baby fins on to them - I dare you! 😃
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
16 years ago
😃 Lovely!!

I first thought it looks almost 'light beige' like mine but then it looks actually more a pale grey? being CKD I would have expected it to be an odd colour anyway. The interior certainly looks original and more than likely correct, certainly vinyl not fabric. Is your headliner the usual type or a different odd fabric? And what logo's do your windows have? I would expect with such an early CKD it is probably all pretty German spec apart from the interior.
If a '54 you know it will be inside one of the first 1400 assembled/produced beetles in OZ!! We need Philip back and he can confirm some details.

What a fantastic find!! Congratulations!

You will find this thread about engines interesting ( I did!) as your engine looks a lot like mine!

54/55 engines, whats correct? 
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago

Having trouble deciding on what the colour is.

It has had a respray some time in the dim and distant past and it's is down as 'grey' on the v5. However, in some lights it looks definitely light beige and in others, there seems to be a touch of green.

The glass just has the large Sekurit logo on it. The headline is cloth.

The chassis number puts it as being built in April 1954 - although this would've been in Germany I suppose (it has a 'Made In Germany' tag) There is another number stamped on the body below the vin plate. It reads MKA 1468, which I assume refers to Martin King and that it was one of the first 500 built in Oz ?

The original owner was a Mr. G. Diener, so I'm going to Google 'Dieners' in Australia later and email them!!! 😃
16 years ago

Evening all!

Previously, I just lurked around these parts, but on Sunday, I picked up this:

"Caledfryn" wrote:


Another member from North Wales. That makes four of us now. We'll soon be forming our own little sub-group. :lol:

Lovely car, where did you get it from ? Was it local ?
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
16 years ago
According to a book here, beetles were introduced to Oz October '53, but they started assembling CKD at Claydon in June '54. So how long did it take for a beetle to get from Germany to Oz in '54 :?: Yours certainly looks more like an Oz car with that interior but then maybe the cars destined for Oz were slightly different spec ( interior)
If CKD does your car have any odd stamps/markings under the rear of the dash or body? ( my later car did)
Philip wrote this book and this is his site:
NZ oval registry 
Yes it is NZ so not quite the same, but there is some info on Oz from memory, I gave my copy away to the new owner when I sold my NZ car.
There are a few Oz ovals in uk, but most I have come across have been modified, daily driven and gone downhill fast.
I cant think of any Oz '54's though, they seem to be more 56+.
It will be interesting to see what you find out about it!
Have you found any Oz websites/forums?
"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago

Another member from North Wales. That makes four of us now. We'll soon be forming our own little sub-group. :lol:

"Chris" wrote:

Look, Rob has kindly set you up a clubroom.


"it'll wreck the patina you haven't worked so hard to create" - 50Karmann
16 years ago

Look, Rob has kindly set you up a clubroom.



"mrsherbie" wrote:

...and you can buy the club Blazer. 😃

'50 Karmann
16 years ago

Look, Rob has kindly set you up a clubroom.



"lifeintheslowlane" wrote:

...and you can buy the club Blazer. 😃


"mrsherbie" wrote:

What no sheep jokes,how dissapointing. :roll:
Were the first pics taken at Ruthin school :?:
If we had our own local historic show,we would probably have more pre '57 cars there,than those, i hoard don't drive southerners. :wink:
16 years ago
Racism takes some ugly forms ...... :wink:

We came across it in a lock-up between Bagillt and Flint - theguy had been trying to sell it for ages. He told us that he knew of somebody local with an interest in ovals, but couldn't get in touch with him. A mate of mine, Gwyn, tried to get in touch with a couple of people he knew but couldn't. One of them was you Chris! He mentioned it to me so I snapped it up.

Nah, not really. It was in the for sale section at Stanford Hall and I fell in love!
16 years ago
Hi Caledfryn - that is a very nice car! I look forward to seeing it and having a chance to talk to you at a future show; I also have a 54, but although in sound condition in the important areas, it will be undrgoing a restoration before it see's the road once more. I would like to take detailed photos from your original car if you don't mind - this will help me with the details for my own work. My 54 is a beige colour but like early split screen ambulances. I noticed on the other forum that you have a split also! Please keep the photos coming and of course any further history you manage to unveil.

Hwyl am nawr.

If in doubt - cut it out
16 years ago
Cheers Phill,

You are more than welcome to crawl over it at the next show. I had hoped to take it to Cosford, but unfortunately, it clashes with a christening.

Not enough room in the garage for three VWs, so the '55 is making space. Need to get some pics of them together first though!
16 years ago

Were the first pics taken at Ruthin school :?:

"'50 Karmann" wrote:

Aye. I believe they sent for the unmarked recovery wagon with the curtains on it as soon as he parked up.
You can call me Al.
16 years ago
Available for inspection tomorrow evening at the Brooky Mill if George and Chris are about! 🙂
16 years ago

We came across it in a lock-up between Bagillt and Flint - theguy had been trying to sell it for ages. He told us that he knew of somebody local with an interest in ovals, but couldn't get in touch with him. A mate of mine, Gwyn, tried to get in touch with a couple of people he knew but couldn't. One of them was you Chris! He mentioned it to me so I snapped it up.

"Caledfryn" wrote:


Just for a minute you had me there... :oops: Bastard !!! :evil:

Working 2~10 this week, but may try and get up to the Brooky Mill soon, be nice to catch up with some old friends... :beer:

Nice Vid BTW, is that around by the Brenig ? And I hope you weren't driving with one hand on the wheel andd the other on the camera 😳
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
16 years ago
He/she/it's not going anywhere in this damp weather anyway...
You can call me Al.
'50 Karmann
16 years ago

Working 2~10 this week, but may try and get up to the Brooky Mill soon, :

"Chris" wrote:

We will see you soon.He'd never forgive me if i turned up without him.
Still gives me stick 'cos i didn't take him to meet Ivan Hirst years back :roll:
Excellent video.The country we live in, is beautiful.
And you where speeding 😳 Mind you,NO arrive alive vans down there.
Cars running like a dream,congrats. 😃