In my experience the fragility of the stock 30hp crankshaft is overstated...unless of course you drive it hard and regularly overrev it.
Supercharging doesn't require you to rev the engine faster to take advantage of the increase in output. The extra power comes from more efficient filling of the cylinders which gives you the most useful of attribute of supercharging, extra mid-range torque.
Using the 69.5 cranks will increase the capacity to 1300 cc(?) which when using the Judson designed to fill 1200cc will mean you'll not get optimum boost pressure.
Money would be better spent on a 30pict carb and a suitable non-vacuum distributor. There's a member on my forum who has driven his Judson Supercharged Beetle for 50 years in the heat of broken crankshafts and no overheating.
If you want to know how to do it PM Gert Gehlhaar on The Judson Register Forum.