16 years ago
:twisted: hi everyone. I just bought a 56 rag top /semaphore from the USA to Canada, Quebec. We have a long discussion concerning the original Rag top model. 2 folds or 3 folds, ....56 had many types of ragtop and I want to install the proper one.

This is the VIN 11023897

I wish I could insert a picture of the top.....

What do you guys think about this?


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16 years ago
You sure you got the VIN correct? For a 56 model car it should be either 6 or 7 digits long, not 8. That aside, the ragtop should be 2-fold as the number of bows in the design changed in August 1955 from 5 to 3, hence the change in folds. Beware, '56 was a funny year and there are several little changes that went on with the ragtop design such as corners changing between rounded and square, little changes to mechanical bits etc.
16 years ago

:twisted: hi everyone. I just bought a 56 rag top /semaphore from the USA to Canada, Quebec. We have a long discussion concerning the original Rag top model. 2 folds or 3 folds, ....56 had many types of ragtop and I want to install the proper one.

This is the VIN 11023897

I wish I could insert a picture of the top.....

What do you guys think about this?


montrealbug wrote:

Assuming the 1st digit is the model number, 1023897 would make this a Nov '55 car (56 model year)

'54 Beetle with Okrasa
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