16 years ago
I stumbled on this link via samba...
Amazing is it that those never showed up.

Sorry for the old nazi signs. I do not want to offend anybody, I am not keen on those guys and have no interest in that area exept if it have to do somthing with VW or Porsche.
I tried even another word instead of volkswagen in this google link https://images.google.com/images?&hl=en&q=volkswagen+source:life&&sa=N&start=0&ndsp=21 

And I found even more picts.
Enjoy them.
And there is the proof that shels for convertibles were sent without roof towards Karmann in this case and I am sure also to Hebmuller.:shock:

Greetings  WDCAU51EP5CATQWV80CA7N2PZ9CA5O7NOZCA7G11U7CA5ZR8HI You have insufficient rights to see the content.  eerste steenlegging car 802 en 803.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  hitler porsche with model of tractor.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  karmann body 51.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  karmann body 51 2.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  kdf 403006.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
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16 years ago

I stumbled on this link via samba...
Amazing is it that those never showed up.

zelensis61 wrote:

Very interesting pictures... I didn't know that the V 303 serie was in 3 different colors: darkbrown for the ragtop, a black convertible and sedan in darkgrey.

A real joy to explore. :d
16 years ago
that is very nice pictures.......is it possible to find simular pictures from the Hebmüller factory ?
Would looove to see that....I collect all old VW factory pictures, especial from the sheetmetal department, will frame them and put them on the wall......Nice art :d

Cheers / Wolf

16 years ago

that is very nice pictures.......is it possible to find simular pictures from the Hebmüller factory ?
Would looove to see that....I collect all old VW factory pictures, especial from the sheetmetal department, will frame them and put them on the wall......Nice art :d

Cheers / Wolf

wolf wrote:

Huh , and my wife was thinking I was the only one, that crazy !!:oops:
Now she can see there are more crazy people arround here !:lol:

16 years ago

Huh , and my wife was thinking I was the only one, that crazy !!:oops:
Now she can see there are more crazy people arround here !:lol:


Etzhold1 wrote:

Great, then I can tell my wife about you to :lol:
16 years ago
Hi wolf,
From the hebmuller plant I have found ZERO, Dammn.
I tried every possible word to get there.
There are some nice pict from the Wuppertal railway where the coaches hangs on a rail above the street. On Hebmuller nothing at all.
Karmann , equal. Zero
I tried even the designers that worked there but ZERO
Porsche, Hitler, KDF , fallersleben, wolfsburg, volkswagen and simular words gave some more. rometsch, drews, denzel, Kubel, schwimm, DAF, Karmann, Hebmuller gave nothing.
I asume there are more but I only got on each positive word not more then 10 pages in google.
I even tried each photographer that is in the detail list.
Sometimes very nice picts.

Greetings Peter
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
16 years ago

Great, then I can tell my wife about you to :lol:

wolf wrote:

Maybe our wifes can found a self-help group to handle that "problem". :d
I´m sure there are a lot of woman that would understand each other well in that issue.
Just as we understand us. :wink:
Master of my domaine.
16 years ago
:lol: :lol:  essen_21.gif You have insufficient rights to see the content.
16 years ago

Huh , and my wife was thinking I was the only one, that crazy !!:oops:


Etzhold1 wrote:

🅱:?: Thinking he is crazy???
AM SURE HE IS!!!:wink:

(in Dutch: HARSTIKKE GEK!!!):lol:

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
16 years ago
Knettergek!:beer: :lol:
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
16 years ago
Thanks my Belgian friends ! :twisted:
16 years ago
You're welcome!!!:lol:

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
16 years ago
X2! :twisted:
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!