16 years ago
I have black rubber mats in my Hebmuller. Does anybody knows if that is correct?
Did later Hebuller have brown rubber mats?

The floor mat on the picture is probably a later mat from 1953. But I have not seen these kinds of holes in any other mats.

Thomas  front rubber mat.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  rubber mat.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  mat number.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.
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Bengt H
16 years ago
This floormat looks exaktly the same as om my june -49, exept for the holes (must bee a hebthing...) and the homemade?? cutouts for the seat rails.
16 years ago
That means if this mat is the original for my Hebmuller it has had seats with clamp bolts.

16 years ago
Maybe I am wrong again but as far as I know there were no[-x rubber mats in a Hebmuller at all!:shock:

:twisted: ET

I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
16 years ago
And if there where they should be brown I guess.
I only have the frontrubber left who is attached to the carpet with the ZAR tag and this one is brown-beige.
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
16 years ago
 1950hebmuller-008.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
16 years ago
As you can see, there are red linings around the front mat of my Hebmuller which also have the fuel tap to the right because it is an early Heb with the small gastank. So I definitly think that at least the front mat with the black rubber is the original.

I have the same red lining around the mats in the back. I know that the red covers on the seats probably are not the originals.  mats rear.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.