  • Chris
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
16 years ago
So here I am. Cheryl has gone to work, as she does most Saturdays. My 5 year old daughter has her friend around to play, so I can't get out in the garage to finish off rubbing down the final seat frame that I started in the summer :roll: Well that's my excuse, nothing to do with the lack of enthusiasm and cold weather UserPostedImage

So I was thinking, what do other people from here do. I mean apart from the obvious of this site and vintage Volkswagens, what other hobbies do we have ? I know Rich has a fetish for radios UserPostedImage, Anna likes to start arguements on other VW sites UserPostedImageand Rob fancies himself as the next Nick Parks. :lol:

Me ? I cycle. UserPostedImage Both mountain biking and road bikes. Cycle to work every day and try to get out at least once a week for a longer ride. Usually about 35 Km on a Tuesday evening and anything upto 120Km on a Sunday, depending on if I have a full day's pass signed or not.:roll: Trying to get some milage in for the Wicklow 200 in June, a 200Km day ride.

So what about everyone else ?
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
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Rich Oakley
16 years ago

I know Rich has a fetish for radios UserPostedImage

Chris wrote:

....and beer.

How's things Chris? Hope things are ok for you at work.
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.
16 years ago
As well as VW's I collect Susie Cooper ceramics- If you don't know who she is it is because she is completely in the shadow commercially speaking of Clarice Cliff- But IMHO- She far out classes that stuff- I also love all sorts of other random antiques-

I'm also a trained potter but I haven't had much time or facilities to do any for a few years- You can see some work if you google me thou- Seth Draper!

Also, got a baby on the way and have been renovating our house too! I like to keep myself busy!:d
  • Chris
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
16 years ago

How's things Chris? Hope things are ok for you at work.

Rich Oakley wrote:

Cheers Rich. Things are poor in the whole of the motor manufacturing industry at the moment. Not the best job to be in :roll: Looking at the news, Toyota have issued their financial statement for the year and estimate to make a loss for the first time in 71 years. However, you just have to keep positive and carry on as normal. Could be worse tho', I could work for one of the other car makers 😞

Hope to see you at H.O. for them beers you also have a fetish for :wink:
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
16 years ago

However, you just have to keep positive and carry on as normal

Chris wrote:

Had a staff meeting this week then?
Management Talk[-x
  • Chris
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
16 years ago

Had a staff meeting this week then?
Management Talk[-x

'50 Karmann wrote:

:d Management talk......

There are enough miserable people walking around our factory with the old 'doom & gloom' story. Just realistic 😞

I'll phone you tomorrow during the day. :wink: as I have plenty of time on my hands right now........ :shock:
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
16 years ago

as I have plenty of time on my hands right now........ :shock:

Chris wrote:

How big was the redundency cheque:?: Enough to get your car finished:?:
16 years ago
I'm happy married :lol: for 15 years and we know eachother since 18 years.
I have a lovely 9 year old girl.
Sporting is my second hobby
I'm running 2 times a week in wintertime.
In summertime 3-4 times a week.
Since 2 years I have a microbe for Marathon running.
Last one was my 5th Marathon.
I like swimming too.
You wouldn't say it but I like Italian food, pasta's pizza's and Italian icecream! Jammie!
But also gastronomic food.
Since 4 years we are going on holiday to Italy and I like the country very much.
If I find the time I would like to learn Italian... maybe when my cars are finished...:lol:
Oh I collect also Volkswagen Dinky's, Corgi's, Marklinn, Tekno, on scale 1/43
and I have a thousend other interests.
In summertimme I follow my wife at rockconcerts, Greenday par example...
Wat is het fijn om lesbisch te zijn!
16 years ago
I have 2 girls, who take up loads of time, along with my hubby, then what time is left is spent on my car, going to shows and playing guitar in a band:d Luckily working in a school means I get a few more hols, which is always good:d
16 years ago
All things Fishing, 25 years a Carp angler.
Road cycling, weekend rides and dabling in my club evening 10 mile TT's, although have not realy justified my 'Derosa' lately[-x .(note to self, must get more saddle farmiliar in the new year)
Built and fly radio controlled aeroplanes.
My mk2 golf gti (stock of corse, I aint no boy racer), now my daily...been replaced by my lovely 58 "air cool rule".

My lovely wife (together 17yrs) and 2 sprogs, budding 12 year old dancer and a 10 year old aspiring go karter.

Stock......the new custom
54 Gertie
16 years ago
I normally do quite a bit of cycling but I have not done much this year, mainly due to living on a hill and allways dreading the trip back up! (im pathetic!:roll: )

I like to a bit of walking, I have walked the Thames path and the ridgeway!

But at the moment I am pretty much only working on my 63! There is not much to do but its hard to do quickly when you are a bit of a perfectionist but at the same time, not very good! :lol:

But my hobbies at the moment include having christmas trees fall on me and trying to get POR-15 off my fingers!

Merry Christmas! :beer:
  • Chris
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
16 years ago

All things Fishing, 25 years a Crap angler.

harveypj wrote:

After 25 years you can't be that bad... 😳

......although have not realy justified my 'Derosa' lately[-x .


harveypj wrote:

Too much money in your household.... :d Having said that I've got 4 bikes... :oops:
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
54 Gertie
16 years ago

I know Rich has a fetish for radios

Chris wrote:

You can say that again, this is a picture he put on VZi!

I got bored counting all the "UUMML" radios and will try to count them all later!

16 years ago
What is the difference between a UUMML radio and the other types- mine has a musical note, and two other buttons and is made by blaupunkt- It also has Ghia only knobs and I believe it has a Ghia only face plate-

54 Gertie
16 years ago

What is the difference between a UUMML radio and the other types- mine has a musical note, and two other buttons and is made by blaupunkt- It also has Ghia only knobs and I believe it has a Ghia only face plate-

Paul_Revere's Ghia wrote:

I know that an "UUMML" radio is FM and AM and is for ghias, buses, bugs, 356s etc! We currently have a slightly later radio in our 55 and this has musical notes on the buttons and I would guess that this came from the mid 60s!

But thats all I know, I'd wait for Rich as he is the resident radio geek!

16 years ago

I'd wait for Rich as he is the resident radio geek!

54 Gertie wrote:

That line deserves to be on someones Sig.