Fantastic!! Great site!! Very informative.
I just found out that my Heb is manufactured the 28 oktober 1949.
I will love to see more of this site. Let all of us Heb owners help each other to find out more differences.
Regarding the small gas tank: It contains 40 liters as well even if it looks smaller.
I have a few questions that I would like to figure out.
When did they change from:
1. Three spoke steering wheel to batwing?
2. Black rubber mats to brown rubber mats?
3. Bolt down seats to seats with rails?
4. Small gas tank to big?
5. Front axle with short shock absorbers to new front axle with high towers?
I refer to the factory notes: From "Was anders wurde"
For the ordinary beetles the following changes were made:
* 2june-49 1-106 636 Export models were introduced. Changed from Nitro paint to konsthartz paint.
* Aug -49 1-0116 375 Change from small gas tank to big.
* Aug -49 1-117 053 Changed from single to dobble actioned chock absorbers at the front and rear axle. (from short to long chocks in the front).
* Okt -49 1-0124 032 Changed to brown rubber mats.
My theori is that all body changes took place approximately one month later in the Hebmullers. ( Only a guess). Please confirm if possible.
My Heb has 1-0117945 so it was probably equipped with the later type of chock absorbers.
Hopefully many others of you Heb owners can add more info.
Edited by user
16 years ago
Reason: Not specified