16 years ago

I have a 68 lhd - and im looking to modernise it.

I would like to make it into a Righ Hand Drive, its a 1600, I would like to use it for everyday use, which I am unable to at the moment.

If anyone knows anyone who is able to do this for me, or could give me information how to go about to do this, please let me know

Thanks very much
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16 years ago
Welcome George. Why do you feel the need to go through all the hassle of converting your Ghia to RHD? So much work for so little gain, it certainly won't "modernise it". If it's on the road, then just enjoy driving it.
54 Gertie
16 years ago
"Modernise" is a swear word on here!:lol:

I would personally steer clear of converting a car as it is never really a proper RHD! It may just be me that thinks this but hey!:lol: :wink: Also in sure it would be hard coming across a 60s RHD dash that you could let in, although having said that im sure you'll now have one in your garage! :twisted: :wink:

  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
16 years ago

"Modernise" is a swear word on here!:lol:

I would personally steer clear of converting a car as it is never really a proper RHD! It may just be me that thinks this but hey!:lol: :wink: Also in sure it would be hard coming across a 60s RHD dash that you could let in, although having said that im sure you'll now have one in your garage! :twisted: :wink:


54 Gertie wrote:

There are no "proper" RHD KG dash panels. Look at the back of one sometime - you can see the welds where Karmann cut up LHD panels and welded them back together. Bunch of bodge artists!

Modernize how exactly? What do you want to change in particular? Brakes, wheels? It´ll never be a modern car in terms of comfort or noise.

Driving a KG every day is alright in the summer maybe, but it won´t last long in the winter. They were a bit light on the underseal back then (and top coat too in the bits you can´t see). They rot like crazy and they aren´t easy to repair.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
54 Gertie
16 years ago

There are no "proper" RHD KG dash panels. Look at the back of one sometime - you can see the welds where Karmann cut up LHD panels and welded them back together. Bunch of bodge artists!

JD wrote:

Suprised that they did not just make a RHD press! Im sure that compared to left hookers they are pretty rare but surely it would have been easier!:wink: