I think it is time for an interesting Hebmüller Project.
Heb INFO Wanted for Study -- HEB DATA POINTS
I do not need the owners name or cars location.
I would like to put together as much Hebmüller vehicle number information as possible in order to try and see if anything can be learned
using it either about the time of the fire or the numbers above 690+.
I do not need the owners name or cars location.
Please send any available data and data source such as KZ brief, own car, seen at show et cetera to me with subject of HEB DATA POINT
to me at at " 1938kdf @ gmail.com "
I want to gather not only VW 14A and 18A Hebmüller Aufbau Nrs. but any known Hebmüller car such as Opel or Hannomag made around
the same time or after the first Hebmüller. If numbers are known from cars that are now wrecked or destroyed, please send the
numbers and mention it is wrecked or destroyed.
For non-VW Hebmüller bodied cars 1946 to 1953 ? , only the
Aufbau Sequence Nr. nnnnn-xxyy and dates produced and maybe delivered would be useful. In other word, date is needed only where the
dates of production coincide or overlap with the dates of VOLKSWAGEN-Hebmüller production.
The info can come from actual cars or Kraftfahrzeug-Brief information; any good source. So, if you see a Hebmüller Opel or ??? at a show,
if you can gather the Aufbau Nr and any dates available and send them to
me, I wil put them in a spread sheet and see what we can learn.
I would like to gather accurate info about:
VW Hebmüller typ 14A, 18A ( or 14B, 18B if any RHD cars made )
Original Chassis Nr.
Hebmüller Body Nr. 14-00nnn
Aufbau Tag Sequence Nr. nnnnn-xxyy
Date Produced
Date of first registration or Erstzulassung
Any other info that you wish to send is also welcome such as
original color
Original VW Motor Nr.
where delivered
SPECIAL Facts - like car was repaired with another Heb or VW.
Best Regards to all
Edited by user
15 years ago
Reason: Not specified
Nov. 1947 +
Febr 1949 shell