15 years ago
Not mine, just came across the auction


eBay Item number: 390054194971

Real or not?
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15 years ago
I've seen a few of those about for sale on the internet over the years.
I don't know a lot about VW lit,but i would think an original to be very rare.
And the fact i've seen several would mean they had been reprinted.
15 years ago
[quote=1952-11G]Not mine, just came across the auction


This one is a real one... by my best guess. Terry Schuler reproduced these in 1988 and very kindly noted so on the back at the bottom just above the very fine print that you cannot read in the shots on this ebay auction. If this were a repro... you would easily be able to read Terry's info on the back... as it is larger than the fine print and just above it.

There is also a split window version of this brochure... which looks very similar

There are also several smaller brochures that look rather similar.

Considering the low volume of cars... I am actually surprised how many of the real brochures turn up.

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