  • Ivan
  • Regular Topic Starter
15 years ago
In todays market this seems like it's well worth a look.

I won't be going to see it as I do not need a RHD Beetle, in the same way as I didn't a few weeks ago when I was accused of rushing round to see a car for sale....

But just in case anyone wants a RHD Beetle with a great paint and interior scheme at a sensible price - here we go.

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  • Ivan
  • Regular Topic Starter
15 years ago
Oh, and just so I am first to point out the obvious...
The number plate is probably worth a few quid
Rich Oakley
15 years ago
Cheers for posting Ivan. Spotted this the other day. Might go and have a shufty as its on my patch.
47 Beetle, 56 UK Karmann Cabriolet, 56 UK Beetle, 57 UK Type 2, 59 UK Beetle, 66 UK Fastback.