I sold this 3-fold sunroof car in the late 90s to Carl Maher of Billabog fame
Anyone know where it is now?
I sold it pretty much as I had bought it (from Watford, from a VolksWorld classified), part dismantled, original seats, original paint on dash, sunroof still in & working well, patchwork brazed welding started some time previously on inner wings etc...
Looking back it was quite a rare one, early 55. Would be nice to still have it
I really like the green (Reed Green?) with beige interior
The OEW 333 plate may not have been re-issued as it had been off the road for some years
I bought it for £750 (1995ish?, & sold it for £1500 (1998ish?)
Chances are it got a custom tickle, I bet
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14 years ago
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