:d I am back in buisiness. I took me a long time to deal with some work on the house and garden. Some things have priority.
The three lady's at home are happy with the small pool, a new floor in the garage, the new wooden fence , the solar panels and the new rooms. pfff:drool:
But after all that, I started again on my project. I was happy to get hold on some original parts from a heb in loan. I got the chance to use a roofframe as a template to make my own frame.
So here are some progress picts.
Like I said....built from scratch.:omg:
I started with a paper template, copied it to cardboard and then copied it to a metal plate that since long time was painted for another purpose.
The complicated roof frame is built with rather simple paterns. The bolts are home made, the main pivot part is a 100% copy of the black original. It need some minor tuning and grinding but I am happy with it. This part is 3 mm steel. The sheetmetal is 2 mm thick.
More to come soon.
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ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective