  • TomF
  • Regular Topic Starter
14 years ago
I wasn't particularly sure where to put this, I have a (12v) 356 dynamo on my '55 engine, my question related to which regulator to use?

I understand the amp rating needs to be equal or ever so slightly higher than the ampere output of the dynamo, but will the later 12v regulators mount on top of the dynamo or do I need to get a later external regulator and mount it somewhere?

Many thanks,
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Tall Bloke
14 years ago
Hi Tom,
I can only tell you my set up, I also have the 356 dynamo fitted to a 58 30HP, I have the later 12V separate regulator in the engine bay of my Ghia.- Hope it helps.
14 years ago
I don't recall ever seeing a 356 with a generator mounted regulator, I'd mount it somewhere else - they're not exactly nice looking things.

The 12v regulators that they sell for 356's look to be 30amps.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
14 years ago
I'm glad you got one Tom,

I'm planning on putting my regulator on top of the generator (a regular 25A version modified to suit when I can get round to it). In the mean time I have fitted it in the engine bay - but not wired it up yet as the NOS connecting screws are being stubborn! I hope it will work - other people seem to use 25Amp ok.

Let us know how you get on.


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