I pulled my Oval out of storage today to get it ready for Tatton Park this weekend, when I took it for a test drive I noticed a noise from the O/S/R wheel so took it home for further inspection.
As usual, after noticing what the fault was my mind wandered onto something else.....I wonder what's under all that underseal?
Now I knew I had a good car, it's completely original and unrestored but you never quite know how good something truly is until you've had a poke around. So I sprayed a bit of WD40 onto the underseal to soften it before getting a small blunt ply bar to gently scrape the surface to see what it would reveal.
I was most surprised when it slowly peeled away to reveal this.....

I was then able to just use my hands to pull on the edges and managed to remove large sections in one go.....

On this one you can actually see the imprint of a run in the paint in the underseal...

And this is the section of the arch that has the paint runs

Another section that I really liked was on the body mounting panel that shows the number 3 stamped into the panel and the imprint left in the underseal....

How about this for a bumper mount and side panel of the engine bay (underside)....

Even the inside of the wings are perfect!

One last image of the complete arch, looks like I'll have to remove the wing so really get it cleaned properly but I promise to re-use the original bolts and washers :smile: