  • cupa65
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
12 years ago
After the EM ( electromagnetic) pulse has disabled all modern cars etc. How far could we drive on a tank full of fuel in our beetles?
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  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
Not very far i would have thorght You would have to bump start her? would not the magnets in the starter dynamo petrol cut off on the carb be up the spout as well as the condencer ??????? not sure. But also all the euroboxs would be blocking up the roads :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I have thorght about this and you need an old diesel like a 205 Peugeot remove the magnetic fule cut off and attatch a pice of string to the manual shut off lever on the pump to turn it off. A rag and some matches to warm the induction air (Remember no glow plugs) and park it on a hill to bump start her :thumbup: Why what have you heard is ther a Metior comming our way :omg: :omg: Andy W
  • Piet
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
Preparing for the armageddon?
I always thought it only kills electronic circuits ??
So an early beetle should do just fine IYAM. Comforting feeling(?)
On the other hand, think about it, no traffic lights, cars all over the place, people in panic, police confiscating your runner...etc so not that far. Or when you live in Scotland, no problem.:rofl:
Proost! Peter.
1954 Oval L275 (in progressive refinement)
  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
:omg: :rofl:
  • cupa65
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
12 years ago
Think magnets are fine, no CD player though:roll:
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