13 years ago
how is the show? did any went to that show?
13 years ago
went today and it thought it was a brilliant show :thumbup:
  • Robb
  • Guest Topic Starter
13 years ago
got a few pics, had a great day, great show, great to catch up with Wayne, his razor is awesome!

good to meet RoRo too, lovely display on the historic vw club stand. :thumbup:

barn fresh frogeye


wayne with Barclays split




13 years ago
excellent day out

Well done to all those on the HVWC who put in loads of effort to make the stand look really good.

Can't wait for next year - will be bringing the barndoor though next time :omg:
Is frequently found with a glass of wine in one hand and a vintage vw part in the other
13 years ago
Historic Display was great! Nice to meet some 'new' people; Andy Axnix and Phil Murgatroyd - I promise not to tell anyone about the Vintage VW kitchen cabinet trick...
Shame a didn't get to see Keith Vipond - he wasn't there on the same day as I was. But it was nice to have a chat with Robin Allen and Historic VW Club Display Manager, Robert Meekings.
Really enjoyed the NEC show.
13 years ago
Looks like it was a better choice than the Slough swapmeet.Any more pictures?
13 years ago
I was trying to decide on Slough or the NEC, but decided that I wasn't really up to either. 😞 I put some of my videos on DVD for the Historic display, would have been great to see those showing. Ah well, there's always next year.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
13 years ago
Great Great Weekend & Thanks To Everyone For Making Me Feel So Welcome & Had a Super Spin Home To Ireland in The Razor & Managed To Put More Miles on The Car ! Than The Previous Owner Had in Twenty One Years Now Stands @ 8972 Miles, Also Got To Meet The Previous Owner VJ Which Was One of My Highlights of The Weekend.
Did Get To See Your DVD Rob (Super)
"Mr Stock"
13 years ago
Thanks for the kind comments about the Historic VW Club display and good to meet all the pre67 forum members who dropped in to say hello.

Many thanks for the DVD, Rob, it was very well received - sorry you couldn't make it to the show yourself.

Wayne's Razor Edge is awesome and really drew in the crowds to our stand. Hundreds of people must now have photos of it.

The club's application for a display plot at next year's show has already been submitted. November 16th/17th 18th 2012.

It was a tiring weekend but well worth the effort. Glad we've now got the winter to recover. :smile:
