The fake seller used an ebay account from his unsuspecting girl friend, put the pictures from my homepage on this fake auction and recieved around 6.500 Euro advance payments from four interested people. Now this guy is on the run. No joke!
The ebay account owner is paying back the advance payments right now. If there is someone who also has lost money, I can make a contact.
- 1950 VW Hebmüller
- 1951 Split sedan Export
- 1952 Karmann Kabriolett
- 1952 T1 barndoor transporter
- 1963 1200 Export Judson
- 1964 T1 Westfalia SO-34 Flipseat
- 1965 Karmann Ghia convertible
- 1966 T1 Westfalia SO-44 Dormobile
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