Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Yesterday was a visit in my office my friend Zé Amador and to take a photographs or my car  Apanhado 2.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Apanhado 3.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  PATEO 1.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Crachás 1.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Caricatura 1.JPG You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Hi people good weekend for ALL :beer: :beer: :beer:
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
  • AW
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
Yes have a good one Fernando :beer: :beer: :beer:

Andy W
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Next mouth 5 years  60NOVOCARTAZENCONTRODECAROCHASDECASCAIS2012.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Hi Mans, my car in ULTRAVW of the August, in Lavenham, with my friends  ultravw01.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  ultravw02.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
In last weekend, with my friend, in a lunch.  Feijo.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Feijo.jpg 1.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Feijo.jpg 2.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Feijo.jpg 3.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Feijo.jpg 4.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Lavenham Vintage Show VW in Volksworld
In page 80:
...though perhaps the most meritorious drive of the event was by Fernando Palmela and his daughter, Sónia. They came all the way from Cascais, near Lisbon in Portugal in their 1955 Deluxe Beetle, taking three days and covering approximately 2.400klms in the process. Fernando had been aware of the beetle for nine years and, when the elderly owner finally decided to sell the car three years ago for €1500, he couldn´t stuff the money in an envelope quick enough! Themoral og the story is that good things come to house who wait.
and finish..  VOLKSWOLRD01.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  VOLKSWOLRD02.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  ultravw03.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  VOLKSWOLRD04.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  VOLKSWOLRD05.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
  • Piet
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
Sure was a brave drive Fernando, you must have a lot of faith and confidence in your oval.
I'm not that far yet! Or maybe I'm just getting old, ha!
Does anyone else on here made a journey like that in an old bug/bus?
Let's hear it!!

I once travelled to Portugal in a '72 1600cc bus where I changed the clutch just the night before leaving and to the middle of Norway in a '78 2 liter combi without problems.
Took my trusty Mexican 1200cc bug to East Germany/Berlin when the wall was still there, Spain twice, Southern France including the pyrenees both sides:thumbup: , GB, Austria and Italy.Those were the days.
Proost! Peter.
1954 Oval L275 (in progressive refinement)
12 years ago

Sure was a brave drive Fernando, you must have a lot of faith and confidence in your oval.
I'm not that far yet! Or maybe I'm just getting old, ha!
Does anyone else on here made a journey like that in an old bug/bus?
Let's hear it!!

I once travelled to Portugal in a '72 1600cc bus where I changed the clutch just the night before leaving and to the middle of Norway in a '78 2 liter combi without problems.
Took my trusty Mexican 1200cc bug to East Germany/Berlin when the wall was still there, Spain twice, Southern France including the pyrenees both sides:thumbup: , GB, Austria and Italy.Those were the days.

Piet wrote:

Piet you have no confidence in your work start your oval and hit the road
In the 50 they drive with the hole family to Spain/Austria in a split/oval
See you with your oval in HO:wink:
  • Piet
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
I know, I know Nico! You are right. I'm working hard on it to get that groovy feeling back.
It will be there one day, no doubt. Already clocked 215 km's on it in 10 days and it's behaving well I must say. Myself included:d :mellow:
One ancient wish of me is to drive it to Northern Scandinavia.
Let's hit the road all together to HO then! FUN.FUN.

Proost! Peter.
1954 Oval L275 (in progressive refinement)
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Hi Piet and Nicolass, thank for commentary in topic.
My oval is a BIG CAR, and i have a lot of lucky and his my.
I have this car only three year old, April 2009, is of the my lifetime 20 june 1955, in Portugal, my birthday 10 june 1955, both have 57 years old.:d :d :d :d
I´m a lucky man.:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
A good weekend for ALL.:beer: :beer: :beer:  lavenham 19.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Good weekend for all :beer: :beer: :beer:
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Good weekend
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Volksworld December 2012  VOLKSWORD 2012.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  VOLKSWORD 2012.jpg 1.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Mafra October  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 1.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 7.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 8.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 9.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 10.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
More  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 12.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 14.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 13.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  MAFRA OUTUBRO 2012.jpg 15.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
In next weekend, the last metting in 2012
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
Yestarday In Marina Cascais  Dezembro 2012 Cascais.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.  Dezembro 2012 Cascais.jpg 1.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
In next sunday, first meeting in this year 2013, we have 50 persons for meeting/lunch
Goos weekend for all people.:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
Fernando Pal
12 years ago
:omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg:
:d :d :d :d :d :d
11 sedan de luxe oval
early bay camper 4/1971
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