Poll Question: Should pre'67 include post '67 and modified cars? (Poll is closed)

Total: 34

12 years ago
In preparation for the way this site is going to go, i have just ordered a narrowed beam and a can of spray on rust.
12 years ago

In preparation for the way this site is going to go, i have have just ordered a narrowed beam and a can of spray on rust.

GKL 7 wrote:

...and in preparation for the normal responses...Nice one Dude.:smile:
12 years ago
Some of the replies in this thread have demonstrated one thing to me. 90% of the posters here Just don't get it.

This is a site for Stock only pre'67 VW's,there isn't another and when you change it there won't be one at all.

What the hell, change it all and let's just become another wooley sheep in the flock.
You know why?? Because you don't deserve it.
12 years ago

Some of the replies in this thread have demonstrated one thing to me. 90% of the posters here Just don't get it.

This is a site for Stock only pre'67 VW's,there isn't another and when you change it there won't be one at all.

What the hell, change it all and let's just become another wooley sheep in the flock.
You know why?? Because you don't deserve it.

GKL 7 wrote:

I can understand your opinion, but (and in no disrespect to this forum), it's getting a bit quiet on here.

I think by being so specific, it's putting people off joining.

I cannot see how changing the rules slightly will affect things too much, and with more members, surely this will allow more people to appreciate/view stockers?

My initial interest in Beetles started with a like of modified cars, and I grew quickly to appreciate stockers from that... Now nothing beats a stocker IMO; find a few more like me, and the stock scene may grow............
12 years ago
C'mon Beefy you'd have settled on having Watercooled on here at one point this afternoon.

It's Stock or the other.If it's the other this is just another VW website.
12 years ago
It occurs to me that what VW's official stance was to modifications whilst any particular car (and in particular the Beetle)was in production is relevant to some parts of this discussion. Did they actively encourage (as Ford, Vauxhall/Opel, Fiat et al did), were they neutral, or were they anti?

Does anybody know or have a view?
12 years ago

It occurs to me that what VW's official stance was to modifications whilst any particular car (and in particular the Beetle)was in production is relevant to some parts of this discussion. Did they actively encourage (as Ford, Vauxhall/Opel, Fiat et al did), were they neutral, or were they anti?

Does anybody know or have a view?

merchantrader wrote:

As far as I know there were no VW 'approved' modified cars, they made it very difficult for Rometsch (for example) to buy Beetles to use as a base for their coachbuilt cars, Rometsch were buying cars through their employees at one point to get the cars they needed as VW wouldn't supply them direct. But by the 70s when the beach buggy craze was in full swing, VW were happy for Karmann to market their own beach buggy to try and cash in on it (not very successfully).

Ferdinand Porsche himself was a racer at heart and he didn't have any issues with modifying a Beetle to make it go faster, he had a cabrio with a supercharger on it and they also had a car with twin carbs on at some point as well. Let's face it, the first 356's were essentially modified VW's with a streamlined body over it all.

The Radclyffe Roadster was a modified Beetle...

Does that help at all? :? :d
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
12 years ago
Yes it does. I was also thinking of "unofficially" approved but co operated with after market mod firms like the relationships between Ford and Downton, Broadspeed etc, Vauxhall and Bilstein, BL and Hopkirk etc etc

  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago

Yes it does. I was also thinking of "unofficially" approved but co operated with after market mod firms like the relationships between Ford and Downton, Broadspeed etc, Vauxhall and Bilstein, BL and Hopkirk etc etc


merchantrader wrote:

Oettinger/Okrasa arguabley. They did some development work for VW later on in the 80ies.
VW were very anti performance and racing though AFAIK.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago

a can of spray on rust.

GKL 7 wrote:

Sorry - but it´s the real thing for me or nothing! Keepin it real y´all.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
12 years ago

It occurs to me that what VW's official stance was to modifications whilst any particular car (and in particular the Beetle)was in production is relevant to some parts of this discussion. Did they actively encourage (as Ford, Vauxhall/Opel, Fiat et al did), were they neutral, or were they anti?

Does anybody know or have a view?

merchantrader wrote:

VW actively fought every effort to modify their engines and vehicles. In the US they threatened to withdraw the franchise from any dealer offering non VW accessories. That includes Judson Superchargers and the whole EMPI Catalog. Joe Vittone had a long fight with VWoA and was told to remove the EMPI GTV Beetle from his showroom.

In the early '60s a group of after-market accessory manufacturers sued VWoA in an Anti-Trust lawsuit and won. What was in effect a restrictive practice lawsuit.

So the answer is...no VW did not assist anyone to modify their cars.
12 years ago

C'mon Beefy you'd have settled on having Watercooled on here at one point this afternoon.

GKL 7 wrote:

:p Bite me.
12 years ago
There have been a few mentions about old modified cars.

I personally feel that the site should be primarily about unmodified cars, but modifications which are period should be ok.

As has been stated, I think the Old Speed Okrasas and Judsons are fine. There should also be a place for period modified cars with items such as Petri wheels, steering locks, aftermarket sunvisors, clocks, gauges, roof racks, driving lights, swampy aircoolers etc. I would hope that period Pre67 coachbuilts can also remain to have a place on te forum.

Mark - Owner of 2 under restoration Australian coachbuilt Ascorts.
12 years ago

. I would hope that period Pre67 coachbuilts can also remain to have a place on te forum.

ascort wrote:

We're talking about should we make the site more inclusive, not less!

'period correct' is what I like, I've never had a problem with that on the site.

Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW
12 years ago
I understand now the situation in America re mods. However was not VW involved in rally mods via the Austrian and East African distributors and maybe others ?
Certainly it had some marketing benefits in East Africa, my mother was one of many who bought a Beetle in East Africa on the back of rally success. Unfortunately she thought she could drive her car like a rally car and rolled it in a banana plantation. I am going to dare to tell the truth that she then bought a British car, again on the back of rally success, and did not roll that despite trying hard to do so!

I am coming from perhaps mods good enough for VW are good enough for this forum?
Cool Splitty
12 years ago

Some of the replies in this thread have demonstrated one thing to me. 90% of the posters here Just don't get it.

This is a site for Stock only pre'67 VW's,there isn't another and when you change it there won't be one at all.

What the hell, change it all and let's just become another wooley sheep in the flock.
You know why?? Because you don't deserve it.

GKL 7 wrote:

Sorry mate but u are 1 of just 12-20 reg posters n that aint enouth i wood think to keep it alive an numbers may drop more if it aint opend to all stock bugs n buses.I get it as others do but your blind to it:roll:
Why is 67 so importent.The best lookers r the bugs made up to 1964 anyway as they have the org thick window pillars from the split days. 67 is same window as all 70s bodys n not so solid lookin so u may as well includ all stock bugs after 64:wink:
Cool Splitty. Reel Kool and called Peter.
12 years ago

Sorry mate but u are 1 of just 12-20 reg posters n that aint enouth i wood think to keep it alive an numbers may drop more if it aint opend to all stock bugs n buses.I get it as others do but your blind to it:roll:
Why is 67 so importent.The best lookers r the bugs made up to 1964 anyway as they have the org thick window pillars from the split days. 67 is same window as all 70s bodys n not so solid lookin so u may as well includ all stock bugs after 64:wink:

Cool Splitty wrote:

It just takes in the 6V era and post upright headlights.
12 years ago
Keep it as it is. If you include post 67 Vws it will soon attract the kind of muppets you get on VZi and as George stated it will just become another sheep in the flock.

Whilst I appreciate and respect the totally stock stance of the site, I think period modifications should be acceptable, if it was my forum it would be called pre 57 and I would ban anyone for life caught using 'txt spk' in their posts :d

12 years ago

I would ban anyone for life caught using 'txt spk' in their posts :d

ianmac wrote:

Exactly my view.
Remind me to buy you a drink at Lavenham.
  • Kev
  • pre67vw Junkie
12 years ago
If you do change it Rob, what are you gonna change the name to ?

I voted for including stock post 67, I doubt I would use that section of the forum much but I don't see any harm in including it and increasing the forum traffic for you.

Personally I would be just as happy with pre53vw :wink: