  • bigoval
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
10 years ago
Well while I have been busy with sorting some of the issues on the beetle - it was noticed that the clutch cable is rather frayed and that the conduit has had it! The rubber boot would also appear to be missing in action which won't have helped matters....

after much head-scratching and finally getting the cable threaded into the conduit in the tunnel.. (what a PITA that proved to be!) got the pedals back in and then just a case of hooking the back end of the cable back up through the clutch control arm... its just a fraction too short to get the nut started on the thread :(

It turns out that the "early" clutch cables that the usual suppliers stock are 2250mm long... it would appear that I really need the 2268mm cable - but I can't seem to find one in the UK?
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Old Blue
10 years ago

Well while I have been busy with sorting some of the issues on the beetle - it was noticed that the clutch cable is rather frayed and that the conduit has had it! The rubber boot would also appear to be missing in action which won't have helped matters....

after much head-scratching and finally getting the cable threaded into the conduit in the tunnel.. (what a PITA that proved to be!) got the pedals back in and then just a case of hooking the back end of the cable back up through the clutch control arm... its just a fraction too short to get the nut started on the thread :(

It turns out that the "early" clutch cables that the usual suppliers stock are 2250mm long... it would appear that I really need the 2268mm cable - but I can't seem to find one in the UK?

Originally Posted by: bigoval 

You are not alone! The cable broke on Jon's Oval last week. We already had a replacement in Dad's collection of parts. I have the new cable in, and it would appear about half an inch short of starting the nut. I have heard that there is an adaptor available to thread on the end of the cable with a further thread on the end to start the nut. Though I'm still searching the web for such...
1956 VW Beetle, 1962 Morris Minor, 1968 VW Beetle (Old Blue), 1972 Morris Mini, 2005 MGTF

Blue, blue, Electric Blue, that's the colour of Old Blue!
  • bigoval
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
10 years ago
Well as a result of all this I am thinking of.... 

I know it's a mod... but I should only need to do it once!

EDIT:- For LHD cars only 😞
Old Blue
10 years ago

Well as a result of all this I am thinking of.... 

I know it's a mod... but I should only need to do it once!

Originally Posted by: bigoval 

Depends how original you car is and how much you want to keep it that way.
1956 VW Beetle, 1962 Morris Minor, 1968 VW Beetle (Old Blue), 1972 Morris Mini, 2005 MGTF

Blue, blue, Electric Blue, that's the colour of Old Blue!
  • bigoval
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
10 years ago
And as for getting the clutch cable in - what a job that was... in the end we (myself and Dad!) managed to do it by threading a long length of 6mm mains electrical flex the length of the car, coming out into the drivers footwell - then using the old clutch cable taped to it threaded it back though the service hole and out of the inspection hole at the very front of the frame head!
Then having cleaned the oil and grease off taped it end-to-end with electrical tape to the new clutch cable, and then gently pulled it back through the length of the car and it went straight in first time!

Far easier than trying to find the conduit around a sharp corner with your fingers which aren't quite long enough!
  • bigoval
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
10 years ago

Depends how original you car is and how much you want to keep it that way.

Originally Posted by: Old Blue 

It is original... but I don't want to encounter this problem ever again!
Not being able to even get the correct length cable is the bigger issue...

"necessity is the mother of invention" and all that...

I was hoping to be out with Historic VWOC tomorrow - but that is now not going to happen 😞
10 years ago
That explains it!
We wondered where you were.
Hope you get it fixed very soon.
  • bigoval
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
10 years ago

That explains it!
We wondered where you were.
Hope you get it fixed very soon.

Originally Posted by: RoRoVw 

Recently the Beetle has been an absolute b***h!

Nothing seems to fit right - and as fast as I solve one problem I encounter a bucket load of new things that are in need of attention!

It started off with a manifold swap - as I had noticed a crack in it...

So far the list is running to :-

Choke cable
Clutch cable
Accelerator cable
CV boot
Headlight seals (again!)
Yellow headlight lenses
Headlight\sidelight bulbs
re-built semaphores
Running boards
Rometsch steering wheel
Front bumper over-rider

And a few other bits and pieces that I've probably missed...

I shall struggle at this rate to make the local club show and shine! 😞
  • bigoval
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
10 years ago
Clutch cable would appear to be solved!

As it turns out from when we dropped the engine out - it has a later style diaphragm clutch fitted... making things very snug in the engine bay for getting the thing out and back in again - it only just misses the rear apron!

The good news is that the later (longer!) clutch cable would seem to fit... 

So fingers crossed it all now will go back together!
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