6 years ago
Entries are now being taken for the 2019 Historic VW Display (in front of the hall) on Sunday 5th May.

If you have a Beetle built before August 1960 and would like to be part of the line-up then go to the Stanford Hall VW website page at and download an entry form.

Don’t worry if your car is not pristine as we are happy to see daily drivers or restoration projects as long as they are not overtly modified or lowered.
1949 Belgian Standard
1955 UK RHD De Luxe
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6 years ago
Thanks for your post, mrmagyar.

Entries are now arriving daily. Last year we had a record number of 37 pre August 1960 Beetles entered for the 'Inner Circle' display so let's see if we can exceed that number this year. Entry to the display is free and for those who register, the Stanford Hall show organisers allow free entry into the whole event for the driver & all passengers. This is the only display at the show which is allowed this valuable concession.

I look forward to receiving your entry.

  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
6 years ago
Do i have to be a member of the Historic VW Club to enter?
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
6 years ago
No you don't have to be a member. The display is open to anyone with a qualifying Beetle. The Historic VW Club just stages the display on behalf of the Stanford Hall organisers.
  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
6 years ago
Oh right. Good stuff, thanks.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
5 years ago

Has there been any Hebmullers, other coachbuilts or wartime stuff regigisteted for the circle as yet?

looking forward to the show

5 years ago
Has there been any Hebmullers, other coachbuilts or wartime stuff regigisteted for the circle as yet?

looking forward to the show