13 years ago

Thanks, this would be a cool car to have :thumbup:

51reutter wrote:

Yes, It sure would be

Strange enough nobody pulled the trigger!
13 years ago
As, I can't include a picture in a PM, I will post it here.

Some old pictures of the 533.
Specially for Mike

 oude foto's.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
12 years ago
Car nr 515 is now finished.
This car was completely restored by the Grundmann's and is looking great.


More pictures on facebook

12 years ago
This is the only remaining photo I have of my '59 Rometsch
I lost all my photos in a fire years ago.. My mother found this and sent it my way.
I believe this is in Santa Barbara at least it was in the early 90's

Dennis Linkletter
Bali, Indonesia


I sold the car with a new 1800 in it..
I still have the original 59 Okrasa 1300 motor with the glass fuel filter, Abarth exhaust and nameplate in storage in CA
Anybody know the value/demand of/for this?
12 years ago

This is the only remaining photo I have of my '59 Rometsch
I lost all my photos in a fire years ago.. My mother found this and sent it my way.
I believe this is in Santa Barbara at least it was in the early 90's

Dennis Linkletter
Bali, Indonesia

I live in Los Angeles and Im looking for an Okrasa engine for my 1957 Enzmann 506.
Just last week my Dutch friend Nico picked it up from the PO and Nico
is going to restore it. Please email me back if you would like to sell your Okrasa.
Greetings Erik
[email protected]
++ 818-414-0372
12 years ago

This is the only remaining photo I have of my '59 Rometsch
I lost all my photos in a fire years ago.. My mother found this and sent it my way.
I believe this is in Santa Barbara at least it was in the early 90's

Dennis Linkletter
Bali, Indonesia


I sold the car with a new 1800 in it..
I still have the original 59 Okrasa 1300 motor with the glass fuel filter, Abarth exhaust and nameplate in storage in CA
Anybody know the value/demand of/for this?

KomodoKamado wrote:

This is a very interesting picture. This cars has the curved body with fiat style taillight. Currently there are only two cars known that are like this (the 558 and the 566). I just spoke with Dennis on the phone and he can't remember any numbers, but he told me that the car was originally metallic blue and he painted it silver with black. I checked the remainders of the 558 and that car was originally all yellow. So Dennis his old car might be the 566 or it is a car not yet discovered. Now I have to find out if the 566 was bought in santa barbara.....
12 years ago
Fingers crossed it is not yet discovered Patrick. I hope it is a new one.
Good search and hunting.
:arrow: :beer:
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
12 years ago
I found out that the Fiat 1000 was produced from ?? '65 up to 2000 in India under the name "Premier Padmini". If those Fiat taillights are exactly the same as the Rometsch taillights, that makes India a wealthy source for Rometsch taillights... :smile:

  • JD
  • pre67vw Junkie
11 years ago
So which car was the one at the VolksWorld show? I canĀ“t readily identify it from the ones shown here.
"John, you need to get a grip and STOP MOANING AT EVERYTHING. ThumbDown "
11 years ago

So which car was the one at the VolksWorld show? I canĀ“t readily identify it from the ones shown here.

JD wrote:

The 543 was at the volksworld show..
5 years ago

This weekend, the Amelia Island concours was held in the Usa. The Grundmann family flew over the Rometsch coupe split window to present it on the concours.. Amongst the other vw coachbuilts there was a Dannenhauer and Stauss roadster and the only coupe, an unrestored lawrence coupe, Lawrence convert and a second Rometsch coupe and A hebmuller type 14a. Grundmanns coupe won a trophy : The volkswagen of America trophy. First class, well done. runner up was the Hebmuller.

ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
Fiber Split
5 years ago

Thanks for the info are there any photos of the cars. UserPostedImage

Andy W

11 months ago

 431499294_10232819318564792_4675502278822291278_n.jpg You have insufficient rights to see the content.
Rob Amos
Happiness is a stock VW