  • heb623
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
20 years ago

Does anybody of you has or knows the paint formula of color L203 black for a Hebmuller?

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
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20 years ago
brille52 knows it 4 sure
20 years ago
Hi ET,

Found my VW color book today ! :lol:
But no L203 😞 , don't forget Hebmüller did also some work for opel in that time ! Maybe Jef can help you with this color from opel 😛 !


Ps; Don't drink coffee from joche, by your next visit, i think she like's to poisen you !

  • heb623
  • pre67vw Junkie Topic Starter
20 years ago
Dear Etzhold1,

I visited your wife today! You where not at home as usual! Your wife was very friendly and offered me a cup of coffee. Now hours later I am still alive even the cookie with the coffee tasted really great! 😛
So look out :shock: tonight, maybe instead of giving the poisoned coffee and cookie to me she's going to give it to you! :lol:

:twisted: ET
I ’ll never regret the things I did wrong!
I only regret the good things I did for the wrong people!
20 years ago
Hi folks.

They did not only painted the VW HEBMULLER body's in the Wuppertall Factory but also TEMPO dreirad and matadors , HANOMAG, OPEL , DKW, Mercedes, HUMBERS, .... and god knows what else :shock: .

And the most of you know what happend to the paint boot in July 49. Watch out with paint I whould say.

I advise you to look out for the different shades of black with all those different cars. Black is not always black.
You just have to look at your coffee. 😃 :wink:

Guido , How black is the coffee at your home, or must I ask it to your pal ET :twisted:

Greetings. Peter
ZELENSIS, coachbuilt body from the 50's on a vw platform made in Belgium. Peter the heb detective
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